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Early in the morning,Zu Xing already woke up due to excited meet up Zui Xiang. He walked to Zui Xiang bedroom. He opened the unlocked window and climbed up into the bedroom like a ninja. He doesnt want used the door cause there were few guards usually patrol. He stared at Zui Xiang cute face. His heart was beating really hard when stared at his angle. Eventhough,Zui Xiang not as pretty as The Empress and other beautiful women but something about him made him attracted to Zui Xiang. He continue savouring the moments before Zui Xiang woke up because he knew as soon as he woke up he would not be give an oppurtinity near him again.

Zui Xiang pov

I felt someone was staring at me intensely. I oppened my eyes. Shocked,I startled and moved backward away from this physopath. Zu Xiang inhale such a huge oxygen to restrain him from stabbed this man to deadth.

'Are you fucking kidding me? What are you do in my room?'harshly Zui Xiang asked.
'I just want to see your angelic face when you sleeping' grinning while twinkling his eyes.

Zui Xiang felt a cold creeped into his nervous system.'Such a psycopath'his innerself said. He pushed Zu Xing out a little bit and grabbed his towel. He openned the big shared bathroom with a simple decoration. The bathroom have a huge pool, a few wooden bucket and a soap . Since the bathroom had to shared with other maids and others,they have to bath together.

Zui Xiang wrapped his waist with a small towel that can only a little bit covered his cock and round ass. Being the stuborn Zu Xing was, he followed Zui Xiang. He cringed when he saw Zui Xiang wore that outfit inside the bathroom.

Zu Xing pov

' Oh god! He looked so beautiful and sexy with the towel hagging low his waist.' Let's pumping my cock inside his tight and warm hole'.'No! He will hate me forever.' His innerself battle each other.

Then,suddenly something snapped me out of dream. Zui Xiang clicked his fingers infront of my face with furrow brow.

'What are thinking?'' Why you are staring at me like that?'
' Nothing' I took his wrist and dragged him with me.

'Hey what are you doing?' Zui Xiang tried to release from my iron grip. I ignored him and dragged to my private bathroom. I shoved him inside and started to undress my cloths. Just like him I wrapped small towel around my waist. I pulled him by waist inside the pool.

Zui Xiang pov
Oh God! That was a eight pack on his body. Must be from the fight he got during every war.' Zui Xiang mind already thinked about something.

Zui Xiang face turn dark red as Zu Xing dragged his body into pool and lean his body against Zu Xing.' Wow, even his chest also really hard' his inner self chatted each other.

Zu Xiang took thus opportunity to bath Zui Xing since he in deep thought. He took a piece of cloth and started washing Zui Xiang body.

After a few moment, Zui Xiang woke up from his dream and pushed Zu Xing with dark red face ,walking out of the bathroom. Zu Xing laughed and its sound echoed loudly in tge bathroom. He rest his body inside the pool while the face of Zui Xiang flushed face kept repeating inside his head. A grinning smile plastered on his face,thinking about next steps to captured that beauty.

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