To the rescue.

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Zui Xiang pov.

The soreness of my muscle and the limped of my body had dragged most of my energy away as I was punched,kicked and even drawn in water. I tried to hold but it had been a week since I was kidnapped. I still dont know who they were since they always torture while wraping my eyes with cloths or they just wearing a mask. They also starve me for almost 4 days without water. I was grateful as they just punch, not use my body for pleasure.

I was right now was laying on the cold ground in the dark room without anything but only my cloths that only gave me some warm. I tried to move but too painful. I hoped Zu Xing would find me as I cannot bear anymore this pain. The harsh breathing was released due to coldness and my sore limb.

Suddenly someone opened the door and that person was.....................

Xio Mei. Zui Xiang never expected that witch would come back and had guts to kidnape The Empress. Xio Mei was walking to him with two buff men that wore mask over their face.

'Well.....the betrayer had woke up.'
Zui Xiang smirked at her and Xio Mei slapped his face hardly. Zui Xiang could taste the iron inside his mouth. He just stared at Xio Mei without scare. Xio Mei felt really angry.

' Well look like you feel really comfortable inside this dumpster so what about I give you a gift.'

Xio Mei gave a sign to two men and they walked to him with lust covering their eyes. Zui Xiang felt uneasy so he asked what Xio Mei talked about. She said that two men would have sweet time with him. Zui Xiang started panick as the two men were striping their cloths and showed their buff muscle but of course Zu Xing was more buffer than them.

They were groping him and striping his cloths. His tears started rolling down his cheeks. He begged for their symphaty but of course they denied it. They  shoved a piece of cloths into his mouth and started fingering him. He felt pain as both of that man harshly fingering his hole.

Suddenly, someone was kicking the door open. That man was Zu Xing. His eyes turn dark and blood lust starting to rise. All he could see right now is kill the person who touch his love.

Zu Xing slashed both of that man cruelly till their bodies torn into two parts. The heads were thrown away at the wall and the bodies were slashed into two, showing the intestine,liver,pancrese and kidney.

Zui Xiang could not hold it anymore and he empty his stomach till he felt his gastric juice.

Zu Xing walked towards Zui Xiang and patted his back. Zu Xing carried Zui Xiang out from the abandoned house. They return back to palace with Zui Xiang in embrace of Zu Xing on the horse. It was a mesmerizing view as the sweet couple make the guards felt uncomfortable with the sweet moment. 

The Empress was waiting for them.As soon as Zui Xiang and Zu Xing walked into the palace, the  Empress rushed to them and summoned the royal physician.

The Empress made a comanded to let Zui Xiang heal at his quater with the guidance of his trusty physicians. Luckily nothing had happened to Zui Xiang just a little bit bruise and trauma.

Zu Xing spent his time mostly beside Zui Xiang. Both of them just like husband and wife. Even the maids felt jealouse as one of handsome men in their empire has been stolen by Zui Xiang.

After a few months,

Zui Xiang accepted to be Zu Xiang's lover. They both have been a sweetest couple had ever seen. Even Emperor jealouse since his wife was busy with their crown prince. Little did they know something will tear them apart.

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