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Though I wish he were here instead,
Don't want that livin' in your head
He just comes to visit me,
When I'm dreaming every now and then,
And then.


"Mike stop it!" El giggled as her boyfriend continued to splash her with sea water, the salty water cooling her hot skin as the summer sun burned down onto it.

"Make me!" He yelled back playfully, giving one last splash that hit her straight in the face.

El suddenly turned away from him, burying her face in her hands as she desperately tried to blink the stinging salt water out of her eyes. Mike's brows furrowed in concern and he was at her side in seconds.

"El? El I'm so sorry, oh god are you okay? Let me see." He rambled, arms gently trying to pry her hands from her face.

He let out a shriek as a small figure tackled him to the ground, his face plunging into the water as he gasped for air but instead, gulped down the salty liquid. His head emerged from the water, coughing and spluttering as he clapped a hand on his heaving chest.

"Got ya." El smirked, before helping him up, and patting his back soothingly as he wheezed, trying to catch his breath.

"I hate you." He grumbled, pouting like a child while crossing his pale arms.

"No you don't." El smiled, reaching out for his hand, wrapping her other around his neck, "I'm sorry."

She attacked his face with tiny kisses, causing a smile to creep it's way onto his face, his annoyance subsiding. It was hard to stay mad at her for long, especially when she was so damn cute.

"You drive me crazy El." He murmured against her hair, as he rested his head on top of hers.

She squeezed him in response, sighing against his chest as the water lapped against their ankles, the summer sun slowly setting.

Being with him like this was complete and utter bliss. He was the only person in the world who made her feel so safe and understood, the only person she could call her soulmate. The feel of his soft arms, around her waist, his lips kissing her forehead over and over, the heavenly smell of him that invaded her nostrils, it was nothing but perfect.

But she knew, any moment now he'd be wrenched away again, crushing her soul. She felt a tear escape her eye, clutching onto him tighter as she sobbed against the boy she grew to love so dearly.

"It's okay El, I'm still here, I'm still here." He soothed, stroking her soft waves as she convulsed in his arms, eyes squeezed shut.

"Promise you won't leave yet Mike, promise!" She hiccuped, her tears soaking his chest.

He hesitated, biting his lip as he looked up, staring out into the blue ocean, the sun slowly setting as the moon took its place. He shook his head.

"You know I can't do that Eleven." He sighed against her hair, pulling her in tighter.

She nodded, feeling him disappear slowly, her hands reaching out, feeling nothing but emptiness. She let a violent sob erupt from her throat, falling to her knees. She felt cold, freezing in fact as the waves behind her suddenly roared. A large flash of lightning illuminated the entire sky followed by the booming sound of thunder.

She felt herself being sucked in, the water surrounded her, trapping her. The pull of gravity grabbed her and next thing she knew she was falling down a large black hole, her surroundings a blur as she plummeted to the bottom.

She sat up suddenly, her hair stuck to her forehead, her breathing ragged and shallow. She gulped, letting out a harsh sob as she threw her bed covers over her legs, walking into the bathroom.

She started at her reflection in the mirror, her chest heaving up and down as she fumbled with the tap, splashing cool water over her clammy face.


She turned to see Hopper standing at the bathroom door, his eyes tired, wearing nothing but pajama pants. He gave a sympathetic smile, pacing over to his daughter and pulling her into a tight embrace.

El started crying all over again, burying her head against his sturdy chest.

"Mike." She sobbed violently, "he's gone, he's dead and it's all my fault!"

Hopper shook his head, pulling back to look her directly in the eyes. "That thing took him, it is nobody's fault. You did everything in your power to save him El, you did nothing but good for him."

"It wasn't enough." She trembled, latching onto her fathers arms, her knees feeling weak from under her.

"You did more than enough kid, sometimes it's just the way things are." He sighed, crouching down so they were the same height, "life is cruel, and sometimes the people we love the most get taken away from us."

El dropped her gaze to the floor, biting her quivering lip, "Like Sarah."

Hopper felt his heart jolt, his eyes widening momentarily, but he nodded, his voice breaking slightly, " Sarah."

His eyes welled with tears but a smile broke through, onto his face as he squeezed El's arms, "But now I have you."

El's eyes met his, an unspoken emotion flickering through his sharp blue ones. She breathed in heavily, giving a tiny nod, "And I have you."

She wrapped her arms around him again and buried her face against his shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly, opening his mouth one last time, "we'll get through this. I promise."

"Promise." El whispered, closing her eyes, a pair of dark ebony ones meeting hers in the darkness.


I'm emo now ugh.
This wasn't even good, ugh I had it planned better in my head.

Lets just pray nothing happens to our precious mike in season 3 or any of the kids for that matter.

Until next time, xo

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