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It was the day El had been dreading since she had fallen in love with the freckled faced boy, Mike Wheeler. She sat on the edge of his bed, legs swinging off the edge as she took in her surroundings. His blue bedroom, one she had grown to love was almost bare, except for a Star Wars poster that was slowly peeling off the wall. She sighed heavily feeling an emotion creep through her that she couldn't describe.

Mike was leaving for collage tomorrow.

"Don't look like that El, I'll visit every chance I get." He smiled as he noticed her bitter expression, trying to break the undeniable tension in the room.

She looked away, unable to find the right words to say. She glanced down at her feet that were covered in red socks with pizzas on them, ones she had stolen from Mike's drawer. She heard him exhale deeply and then felt his hands clasp hers in his own. She looked up then, and met his eyes and he smiled sadly.

"I know El, if I could have it any other way, I'd stay here, or bring you with me. But-"

"But that's not an option." She interrupted blandly, pulling her hands away from his own.

He plopped down on the bed beside her, pressing his lips into a hard line. He knew she hated goodbyes, and he knew this one would be for a while. He leaned back against his pillow, looking around his room, taking in everything. He turned to the girl he had fallen so deeply in love with and sucked in a breath. He remembered her first time being in his bedroom and how frightened she was. He had no idea how far they'd have come from that day.

He perked up suddenly, "Come on, were going somewhere." Mike spoke up, standing up from his bed and grabbing his shoes.

"What, you have to leave soon." El frowned, uncrossing her legs and following his lead.

"I still have a few hours, and I want them to be spent with you." He smiled, "Now come on, get your shoes on."

She didn't argue and did what he said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs, taking two at a time. Expecting to be getting into his car she was confused as to why he walked her towards the garage.

"Mike?" She questioned as he fumbled inside before pulling out his bike. She raised an eyebrow.

"Hop on." He grinned, and she crossed her arms.

"'Mike the last time we were on that bike was three years ago, I don't know if you've realized but we've grown, especially you." She stated, but Mike swung his leg over anyways.

"Come on we don't have all day." He chuckled, patting the back of his saddle and waiting expectantly for her to get on.

She groaned but found herself sitting behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist, nostalgia hitting her straight in the heart. She leaned her head against his shoulder as he started peddling down Maple street. She had no idea what he had in mind but she trusted him and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

He took a left down towards Cornwallis, taking a small and narrow road she was too familiar with. They were heading towards Will's house and she frowned. Was the whole party meeting up before Mike left? She was hoping it would just be the two of them but she kept her mouth shut.

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