miss you

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Oh God, I miss you too,
It's all I ever do,
I'm coming back to you,
And I won't let go

Mike's bike came to a halt at the edge of the green hill. He set it down, pulling his jacket around him tighter, and shivering as mist coated the thick trees around him. The frost crunched under his shoes as he took long strides towards the place he spent most of his days.

It was early, 6:55 am, and school would begin shortly but that was the last thing on his mind as he panted, the steep hill doing no favors for his lanky build. He reached the top, a clear view of Hawkins in the distance. It wasn't much to look at, small blocky buildings in lines, and curvy roads outlined by the forest. Starcourt was pretty eye catching with its flashy lights and extravagant sign.

But starcourt was a place Mike didn't want to think of. It only brought back memories, memories he wished he could erase forever. It had taken a couple months to repair the damage to the mall, and it was like nothing ever happened at all. All that pain and loss was just sealed over, never to be spoken of again.

He sighed, sitting down against Dustin's Cerebro, grabbing the wired string attaching the super com. He leaned back, letting his eyes close before saying anything. He always thought carefully about what he'd say, not wanting to make a fool of himself. He pressed down and let his voice do the talking.

"El are you there? El?"

He waited a few seconds before static on the other line was turned on quickly, a softer, sleepier voice replying.

"Mike, hi." She murmured, causing a small smile to play at his lips. He let out a sigh of relief, her voice like a soft lullaby, relaxing him completely.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked, noticing her hoarse, yet adorable sleepy voice. He felt goosebumps rise against his skin as she spoke again, and he learned he liked her sleepy voice. A lot.

"Yes." She giggled, "but it's okay, I always like talking to you."

He grinned to himself, holding the super com closer to him. His nose was a rosy red from the chilly November air, and he inhaled, the smell of fresh pine and early morning dew filling him up. It was a smell he would treasure forever. A smell that reminded him of the girl on the other line, who he found in November, two years ago, the same smell of pine uplifting him completely. He hummed against the supercom.

"I like talking to you too El. A lot."

She chuckled softly against his ear, his heart warming at the sound of her gentle laugh. It was one of his favorite sounds. He knew she was at her happiest when she laughed and it was a knock on effect with him. Her happiness was his happiness.

"How is school?" She asked, Mike hearing her shuffle around in her bed, as if she was sitting up.

He shrugged to himself, "it's okay I guess. No kids have picked on us yet." He joked, "I think they're scared of Max really."

El hummed, and he could almost see her nodding, "How is Max? How's everyone?"

"They're good. I mean we all miss you and Will, like so much but, besides everything they're doing good." He assured her, knowing her and Max could only speak every once in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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