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Mike and Eleven had been arguing for over an hour.

It started when eleven had spoken to another boy in school who wasn't Mike, Dustin Lucas or Will. He was tall handsome and very flirtatious and Mike was not in the least bit happy about it.

He had followed Eleven home from school to interrogate her, asking her numerous questions about this mysterious boy she had suddenly taken an interest in.

"So what you think he's cute. Do you want to kiss him?" He snapped while pacing up and down the living room of Eleven's Cabin.

Eleven sat on the couch, her arms crossed and lip pouted out in a child like manner. She was angry, angry he didn't trust her, angry she couldn't explain how she felt. He stood in front of her, eyes dark and breath shallow.

"I told you we are friends!" She shouted, standing up now and squaring up to him even though her head barely reached his chin.

He crouched down, placing his hands on his knees so he could come down to her level. He knew she hated when he did this. It made her feel powerless and more like the vulnerable kid she once was, back before she met Mike. She frowned.

"Well it looks like he wants to be a lot more than just your friend." Mike hissed, stepping away from her and pacing again.

Mike had always feared something like this would happen. Eleven was a beautiful girl, and finally being able to bring her into the world for people to see, he knew he wouldn't be the only one who thought that. He knew there was better than him out there, more attractive guys that would like Eleven just as much as him. He hated it. He hated himself for getting like this too. He was just terrified of losing her.

"Why are you so angry." Eleven cried out helplessly.

As mad as she was with him right now, she couldn't bare seeing him in a state of this kind. She loved the soft and gentle boy she knew he was, and only just for her. She was confused as to why that suddenly changed when he arrived at her door just over an hour ago, the rain pouring against his pale freckled skin. She was hurt by the way he had rejected her embrace as he pushed past her, his voice low and eyes dark and wide.

"Because Eleven," He growled, making her flinch at the name. He almost never called her Eleven only when he was incredibly serious. "I saw the way he made you laugh and smile, and the way he was standing just a little too close."

She sighed deeply, walking towards him and reaching out for his arm. He snapped it back making her eyes water, but she blinked away her tears quickly before he could see. She didn't want to seem weak in this moment, not when she hadn't done anything wrong for him to be this upset.

"Mike please." She whined, reaching out for him again.

He shook his head, continuing to walk away from her as she desperately tried to reach out for him. Having a limited amount of vocabulary, it was hard for her to express what she was feeling . It was hard for her to explain she felt absolutely nothing for that boy and every inch of her heart belonged to Mike. It was hard for her to express how much she wanted to wrap Mike into a tight embrace and tell him how much she loved him and only him. She was becoming more and more frustrated as Mike continued to ignore her.

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