6. Trouble twins

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just as eunbi was about to protest, two girls walked in like they owned the place. "HEY HEY, BITCHES!" the orange head said while the red head laughed.

"oh, hey, babe. hey, seulgi." yerin said and winked at seungwan. eunbi was in the mood for a joke. she got up and gasped to catch yerin's attention as the other 8 girls watched what was about to happen. she glared at yerin. "'babe'? really? why are you doing this to me?"

yerin was confused but the maknaes already knew what she was doing. "how could you cheat on me? i gave you all my time and love. i even made my hair a prettier color!" she said and pulled at her pink locks.

she started tearing up from holding back laughter. "w-why don't you love me anymore?" she asked as she finished her dramatic performance. but then she started full out crying and ran to her room.

"what the hell just happened?" the purple head asked. "um, we will go check on her." sojung said as she dragged dahyun along with her. "just continue the game."

sojung and dahyun entered her room and sat on her bed making sure to close her door. "eunbi... what was that?" dahyun asked and rubbed her back.

she started laughing and rolled out of her bed. "what the fuck, you dummie." sojung said. she slapped the back of the her head. "so, what was that about?" dahyun asked.

"i was just fucking with yerin and then i thought of her. eunseo." she got up from the floor. she went to her closet and grabbed an oversized sweater. they left the room to continue the game.

when they came back they saw 1 teenage girl filled room, 2 sleeping maknaes, 3 empty bottles of alcohol and 4 slightly drunk girls.

"aish, joohyun, seulgi, seungwan and sooyoung. stop drinking." sojung said as she she forced a bottle from irene's hand. the ones awake started laughing.

"here, wear this." eunbi handed her sweater to yerin who was only in her bra, skirt and panties at this point.

"hey sojung unnie give me the bottle." eunbi said and took the bottle from sojung and drank down the other half that was left of it. but she had a high tolerance so it's okay.

yerin sat on the couch with a smile on her face and eunbi's sweater over her shirtless chest. the other 3 were putting the drunk unnies to sleep and giving the maknaes blankets. 

"aw~ look at yewon and yerim." sojung and dahyun said while looking at the two sleeping girls who were cuddled up together. sojung pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

eunbi just chuckled lightly and sat down next to yerin. she noticed the blonde staring.

"hey, take a picture. it'll last longer." she said and handed yerin her phone. yerin blinked before taking eunbi's phone and snapping a pic. sojung and dahyun were watching the other 2 females interact and whispered, "sinrin is sailing."

eunbi just sighed hinting that she was annoyed. it was only 9 pm so she dragged yerin to her room and closed the door. 

"so let's start this stupid project, yeah?"

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