The Storms Gift [2]

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Day: 2/30 (smut)

Prompt: Scars

Couple: M/M Kirishima (top), Bakugou (bottom)

Words: 1,369


Katsuki had taken many hits in his life, physically and mentally. the pain he's endured were held as secrets, shielded within the scars on his body. He learned to love them, despite the memories they carried. The marks become a part of his personality, that formed his morals.



"Wanna come over Tonight? I bought a new game I think you would love!"

"And why would I spend extra time outside of school with you willingly?"

"Because you love me bro!" Kirishima exclamed. Lifting his arm for a high five, in which the blond blaintly ignored.

"Fuck that."

"Just come on dude! I promise you'll love it. Please?"

"Whatever. Just let me ask first." Taking out his phone, The blond clicked his tounge and rolled his eyes. Effectively hiding his excitement. It wasnt difficult to have a crush on the redhead. He walked along side the other, antsy to see his house for the first time.


"Annnnnnnd there it is!" He anounces,  pointing to a small grey house at the end of a long slightly-uphill street.

"So, you excited??" Kirishima whales, particaly jumping up and down as he walked. He swong his arm around the already nervous readfaced blond, forcing him to walk a little faster.

"And I would be. Excited because...?" Bakugou questiones, once again shrugging of his anticipation.

"Dude, we get to hangout the rest of the day! Ain't that exciting?" Kirishima states, shaking the blond as they walk.

The other shrugged "I guess."

Kirishima beemed and walked faster to his house.

The inside of his house some how smelled of cinnamon and manliness. The red head hopped in excitement as he showed the other around.

Eventually they made it to his spacious room, which held a striking similarity to his dorm. He walked in letting kirishima shut the door behind

"Isn't it cool?!" He asks, ploping down on his bed, gesturing all-around.

"Sure," Bakugo responds, taking in the scene, of not the room, but his crushes body across the bed. He couldn't help but to get a little flusterd, which pissed the hell out of him.

"So what do you wanna do? we can't go outside because it just started to rain...Oh! Here's the game I was talking about. Wanna play?"

"Yep," bakugou responds. Kirishimas eyes widened as he smiled.

"You didn't say whatever!"

Kirishima handed him a controller, brushing hands with each other as he let go. The blonds breath hitched as he sat down and watched Kirishima turn on the PlayStation

Hours passed as they switch from game to game. The rain outside poured heavenly making the sky dark.

With a sudden crack and boom the lights went out, the only sound being the swaying of nearby trees.

"Fuck" Katsuki exclames, dropping the controller in a defeted manner.

"Indeed" the other responds looking down at his phone. "my mom stuck at work... apparently a tree fell in front of the building so we'll be alone for a while, you think you can stay here?"

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