I-is That... Me?[14]1/2

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Day: 14/30 (fluff)


Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou


Although this isn't something Bakugou would even tell God, he had to admit that he felt privileged to be able to have a dorm right next to Kirishima's. The red-head seemed to just always be there when he needed him whether he knew it or not. For instance, those days where he'd find himself lonely and locked in his room all day, all he had to do was barge into Kirishima's. The other never asked questions, he just smiled.

That was one of the many, many things he liked about him.

So it goes without saying that Bakugou was absolutely ecstatic when Kirishima invited him over to his room that is literally three steps away to play a game that he just bought.

The two walked together from the commons so close they were practically hand and hand. That is, if Bakugou wasn't currently pouting with his arms crossed at his chest.

"Dude, you know that music is good for the soul, right?!" Kirishima argues, gesturing with his hands like this argument was exceptionally important to him.

"'S not that important! Stupid! It's fucking distracting." Bakugou retorts. Though in truth, he enjoyed music very much. He just enjoyed watching Kirishima rant about Bakugou's indifference.

"Wow man, and here I was, thinking you were a good person!" he said dramatically, opening his dorm room and allowing him to walk in first, a gesture that made Bakugou's heart skip a beat.

"I am! I'm a fucking delight, bitch!" Bakugou shouted as he threw himself on Kirishima's bed with a thud.

Kirishima only laughed and tossed him a controller while simotinously setting the game up. His aim was totally off and he ended up hitting bakugou square in the chest with it. Bakugou grunted and sorta laughed it off.

Kirishima was going to say sorry but Bakugou's smile was absolutely beautiful to look at. It wasn't often Kirishima got to see Bakugou laugh in real life, mostly in picture's that were taken or posted elsewhere. He quickly looked away as to not be caught staring. Kirishima took a deep breath and basically chugged a gallon of water to help him calm himself down.

"Holy fuck how thirsty are you?"

Wrong. That didn't help calm him at all.

Kirishima spits out half of the water he had forced into his mouth and bakugou only laughed harder. Which was a blessing and a curse in this scenario. he felt himself harden in his pants a little.

"Let's just get started!" Kirishima blurted, facing away from the blond and had his controller placed stragiticaly over his pants.

Bakugou's giggles still rang in the ear as the blond picked his character for the game. You could tell this was one of those "the more I think about it the funnier it gets"times and Kirishima loved and hated the sounds of random cute laughter coming from the blond behind him.

They played for about another hour. Kirishima found it rather surprising that the blond was still snorting about the situation from a while ago.

"You thought that was hilarious didn't you?" Kirishima teases, turning back to look at bakugou only using his neck because as much as he hated to admit it, his dick was begging to be touched.

"I did not!" bakugou says. It's entertaining because while he did hide his laughter well, his bright smile told his feelings better than he ever could.

Kirishima laughs and stands up.

"Well while you sit here tell obvious lies, I'm going to use the bathroom. Un-pause the game and I'll kill you!"

Kirishima needed relief, fast. As he walked out he heard Bakugou yell "As if! Don't get yourself all wet, idiot!" and laugh harder. Kirishima made his way to the bathroom, shamelessly thinking about bakugou the entire time.


Once Kirishima had left bakugou felt free to really let out his laughter. He held his sides, sending involuntary explosions into them. He cursed mid laughter until he finally calmed down which was about seven minutes later.

Kirishima wasn't back.

Bakugou went from having the time of his life to being absolutely fucking bored. He looked down to where Kirishima was sitting and noticed his phone was still there he had a notification.

Bakugou hadn't thought twice about touching the others phone and didn't see it as imposing at all. Since both bakugou and Karishma had each other's thumbprint saved on their phones.

The notification turned out to be nothing but one from a game Bakugou was almost one-hundred percent sure Kirishima hadn't played at all in the last month. He would know since the red-head talks about pretty much all of the apps on his phone, but he never heard of this one.

Now, Bakugou had absolutely no ill intent when he grabbed Kirishima' phone. He unlocked it and figured he'd change his wallpaper or some shit. But once he opened up the gallery he noticed Kirishima had only one other album other than his "screenshots" folder, named "smiles" he became intrigued, he opened the folder and was surprised to see pictures of him... Smiling.

He scrolled down and was amazed at how many pictures there actually were, he didn't even think he smiled this many times in his lifetime, let alone smiling so hard his eyes were shut and he didn't notice a photo was being taken of him.

His cheeks flourished red once he came with a realization.

Could it be that...

Kirishima liked him?



Kirishima would never like an asshole like Bakugou. . . would he?

Bakugou continued to navigate the folder stoping and sending himself good pictures of him from time to time, surely Kirishima didn't like like Bakugou, so there was probably another meaning to this the blond was failing to see.

Or refusing to see.

Either way,y he couldn't help but hope his feelings for Kirishima weren't platonic.

Ew. Mushy shit. He thought.

He found himself lost in thought, so much so, he hadn't heard Kirishima barge into the room.

"I'm back! I brought some... What are you looking at??" Kirishima asked, but based on the blonds face, he was sure he already knew. He threw down the box of cookies and snatched his phone, apologizing in an instant.

"S-sorry, s.shit. ill delete them if you want! I-"

"Why is your face all red, stupid?" Bakugou asked

Kirishima was confused. He had seen it hadn't he?

"Wait. That wasn't a joke?" Bakugou asked, the pink on his face deepening into a dark red color.

"I- uh...shit." Kirishima was speechless.

It was too late to lie now, should he just confess? What if it made him uncomfortable? It took Kirishima so long to finally get Bakugou comfortable with just being friends, let alone something more... He has completely ruined everything, hasn't he? Bakugou's going to complete-

"I like you." bakugou asserted just barely loud enough for Kirishima to hear.

"You... What?"

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