Shhhh [5] Heat pt.2/2

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Day: 3/30 (Domestic fluff)

Prompt: werewolf au
(I did as much research as I could on human werewolves and their kids! I tried my best I hope this isn't complete ass❤)

Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou

Words: 1076
❤ Kirishima pov❤

"Daddy! Daddy, wake up!" Akane scream whispers.

I wake up to two elated faced children, Their ears are sprung high and their tails are wagging like crazy. They're shaking and slapping me. Eventually, they both grab my arm and began to pull. I'm falling off the bed, aren't I?

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yell. The twins jump and quickly shush me, redirecting me to the living room.

Before we enter the room they stop me. Looking up and putting their tiny hands on their face making a "shushing" gesture with their fingers.

"Don't tell mom but we got a surprise for him!" Mie says.

"Come on girls, you know katsuki doesn't like surprises. He's was up all night yesterday dealing with the baby and what's that smell-...oh my goodness."

We walk into the living room and there's paint. Everywhere. Not a single wall nor piece of furniture was spared of paint. On the wall, a purple "We love you mommy" was written in sloppy handwriting. The were hearts painted on the couch and pictures drawn on every free surface that could exist. When did they have time for this??

"Girls..." I begin. Their jumping up and down in excitement.

"Daddy do you want to sign it?!"

"Yeah, we won't tell him you didn't help us!"

They're already running back to the pant and bringing back a red brush for me. Damn it.

"Girls. This is wonderful, but d'you know what katsuki would love wayyyyy more than this?" I ask

"Nothing! He said he loves when we make him drawing's!" Mei rebuttals, her tail wagging so fast she's hitting her sister over and over again.

"Well, his clothes might get paint on them and he'll get all dirty!" I respond "and you know how much he hates dirt!"

The girl's eyes widened and tears swell up in Akane's eyes.

"We didn't think about that!" Mei cries.

"Shhh shhh, it's okay! I have a plan" I say patting their heads. They calm down and listen patiently.

"So how about we clean this up together, and we can make Katsuki breakfast! Just like he does for us!"

They cheer loudly and quickly shush themselves.

I walk into the hallway and grab some washcloths from the closet and wet them. I also drench them with some non-toxic dish soap.

We all begin to clean, the girl's admittedly cleaning much faster than I am, probably since I didn't expect to wake up at 6:00 on a Saturday. But it's still fun to see them this excited, so it's kinda worth it. Kinda being keyword word. I'm exhausted.

It surprised me to see how much paint there actually was. Under chairs, on the tv, under the couch. It's surprising to see where their grubby small hands could actually fit.

An hour mid clean I hear a noise, it couldn't be Katsuki, right? He doesn't wake up until later on weekends. Wait. No, that's the baby. It's like a habit of Katsuki's to wake up and feed her before I do. I jog to our room and slowly open the door. I pick up the baby just as he was going to wake.

"What are you doing shi-crap stain?" he slurred in his sleep. I find it super cute that he still tried not to curse in front of the kids while he's not even fully awake.

"Taking care of the baby. Go to sleep dear, " I respond.

"Aww thank you. I love you so fucking much," he says before crashing back into the bed. I grab the baby and make a quick getaway

After quickly making a bottle and feeding him and the changing of a diaper. I placed the baby in a (not paint fulled) playset. Surprisingly, within the next two hours, we were finished cleaning. The sky was out and Katsuki was still fast asleep.

"Daddy now can we make food?" Akane asks her blond tail all paint colored green. I look over the Mei and see her black tail and hair has yellow paint in it.

"How about this girls, let's get you both all washed up and we can start cooking for mommy, okay?"

"Awe but you said-" Mei starts

"Mei you don't want to get paint mommy's food, do you?! Stupid!" Akane shouts.

I gasped, "Akane Kirishima! Say sorry for calling her a mean name!"

She pouts but quickly apologizes.

"I'll, beat you to the bathroom!" she says, quickly running away.

Not being able to back down from a challenge, definitely, something she got from her mom. Mei ran after her as best as she could with those tiny three-year-old legs.

Once bath time was over the girls helped me make eggs and pancakes. Although I had to retrieve lots of eggshells out of the pan and clean up probably much more batter then I did paint. It was a fun time for all three of us, well four. The baby was there too.

"Katsuki wakes up, we've got a surprise for you," I say. The girls are possibly much more excited now then they were hours ago... it's so adorable! I'm almost 100% sure that those tails could repeal the earth out of orbit.

"Huh?" Katsuki asks as the girls practically pull him out of bed.
"I'm up I'm up!" he shouts

The girls set him down in the living room. I hand him the baby as I walk in the kitchen. Each of the girls grabs either my plate or Katsuki, while I grab both of theirs. After all of the plates ore on the table, I leave and came back with two cups of coffee, two cups of orange juice and one full baby bottle.

"Surprise!" the two yell sitting and wolfing down their food.

"You guys did this for me?" Katsuki asks with a huge smile on his face.

The girls nod. When they're done with their food, they go to be back yard to play.

"I love this in all but... Why does it smell like a lot of paint in here" he asks looking around for the culprit.

I laugh. "Sorry 's a secret, I will say though, the girls will be super tired soon."



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