I love you too [17] his Instagram pt.3/3

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Day: 17/30 (Fluff)

Prompt: ??

Couple: M/M Kirishima x Bakugou

Words: 1,100


Pretty blond boi😘

-- hey blasty? 4:24

-Hm? 4:26

--you got time? 4:26

-yeah, y? 4:26

--come over, I gotta tell u something. 4:27

-K, I've got some shit to say too. 4:27


Kirishima's eye's widened as he sat down his phone. Bakugou has something to say too?  The red head's eagerness to confess seemed to subside after his post- masturbation high. Now, all he was focused on was thinking of a lie that he could tell the blond once he arrived.

First things first, he had to clean his Apartment.

The place wasn't too dirty seeing as he was at Bakugou's and the majority of the time, hence why they decided to become roommates soon. But his room still had needed a bit of put work into it.

Once he finished, he lit a candle. Then unlit it. Then lit it again. Am I preparing too much? What if he wonders why I cleaned so much for him?... But it smells really bad in here. Soon enough he decided on lighting the candle. He was overthinking everything, the candle is not that big of a deal. Right?

No. It's not. Kirishima looked into the mirror and spiked his hair. He finished and grunted in approval.

"I really like you Bakugou." He said.

"Ya know, I've always had a thing for perfect people, sucks your the only one I know."He exclaimed as he shot the mirror with finger guns.

Kirishima rolled his eyes at himself and giggled if he was going to confess to Bakugou he had to do it as cheesily as possible. So it wouldn't be hard to play off as a joke. Maybe he should call Mina, yes.


"What's my favorite gay up to??!" She exclaimed. Kirishima has to physically pull the phone away from her ears, he heard voices in the background... Was she in public???"

"Not so loud! Are you in public?!" Kirishima said.

"Nope! I'm just with Sero and Kaminari! We were gonna invite you but you were still in class weren't you?"

"Yeah, that's fine, but this is really important," Kirishima said with a stern voice, Bakugou would be here soon and Kirishima needed to have this conversation.

"Oh? Okay, you're on speaker."

"I think I'm gonna ask out Bakugou."

The three gasp.

"Like for real?! Or like one of those times where you say you will but you actually don't?!"Asks Sero.

"For real. Probably."

Mina squeals on the other end of the phone.

"Holy shit... You promise?"

Kirishima studders "Promise."

"Finally!" she says.

"Yeah yeah, but I need advice."

"Advice on what??"

"How do I tell him??"


"N-no! Was I suppose to?"

"Kirishima you-"

Kirishima's back straightened as he heard keys jiggle in his front door. Only one other person had a key to his apartment.

"Shit-Mina. He's here ill call you back."

"Okay! Get you some!" Mina yelled as the redhead hung up.

Kirishima flushed the toilet and washed his hands to pretend as if he were finishing in the bathroom. That conversation only made him more nervous and he wondered what it was that she was going to say. He went to straighten his shirt only to remember he had forgotten to put one on. The redhead convinced himself that Bakugou wouldn't mind as he anxiously stepped out of the bathroom.

"Hey bro!" he said, walking past the blond to sit on the couch.

"Hey." Bakugou laid on the couch Kirishima was in, putting his feet in his lap." you needed me?"

"Kirishima heart stuttered, right to the point are we?

"I...uh. Forgot?" Kirishima said, regretting his words as soon as his they flew out his mouth.

Bakugou looked at him with an annoyed visage.

"You forgot? I don't believe you."

Kirishima heart went wild in his chest. The blond always could tell when he lied. Which was always sort of a blessing and a curse. It got them out of a lot of crap. But right now, he really wished he wasn't in his own skin.

"Well, you sad u had something to say to, you go first."

Bakugou face reddened and he set up quickly. "Why the hell should I go first?!"

"Does it matter?" Kirishima responded. though it mattered. It mattered a lot.

"Yes! now you go!"

"Awe! But you're my guest!" Kirishima said. Bakugou as face reddened deeper as he realized the reality of the situation.

"I didn't come for you to fuck with me all day!" Bakugou said, getting up and heading for the door. Kirishima stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"Move dip shit!"

"Nu-uh! You still gotta tell me what you had to say Bakubro!"

"Shut up it doesn't matter!"

Bakugou pushed Kirishima to the side. Only for the redhead to jump in front of him once more. He had the biggest grin on his face and his arms spread out so bakugou couldn't cross, he laughed at every single warning the blond unconsciously sputtered out of his mouth.

Bakugou pushed him to the side and tackled him. Kirishima's back hit the ground with the loud thud. He hardened himself and laughed loudly, Forcing bakugou to the ground by kicking lightly at his left shin. Before the Blond could even blank. Kirishima had him pinned on the ground.

Once bakugou looked up to a half-naked Kirishima on top of him he had to physically cover his eyes. Though, he had to let go as he felt a tickle at one of his sides. He laughed hysterically trying to get the redhead of.

"Let me go!" He said through his laugh gasps.

Kirishima looked at the boy under him with adoring eyes. He laughed so hard his stomach heaved with each soft stroke to his sides. His giggles caused his chest to vibrate in a lovely way. The movement went straight to his heart.

"I like, no, I love you."

Their eyes widen and Bakugou clamps his hands at his mouth. He didn't say that out loud. Had he?

"F-fuck." His way face rose in temperature as he tried to stand up. But he was held tightly under the redheads grasp.

Kirishima bent down to kiss the blond.

"I was going to say the same thing."

An: I was going to upload the other chapter of yesterday's story today but I got pretty busy and I don't want to rush to write it. it'll come soon though.

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