Suprise! [4] pt: 1/2

51.1K 448 973

Day: 4/30 (Fluff)

Prompt: Bakugou's birthday

Couple: M/M Kirishima x Bakugou

Words: 1,475


"Kirishima are you sure that'll work? I mean, Bakugou's pretty sharp... He'll probably catch on." Mina suggests

"Don't give him that much credit, I bet he wouldn't even notice a thing!" Kaminari responds "Good idea man!'

Kirishima nods and tells the two to shoo and get planning. He had asked them to distract Bakugou tomorrow from everyone so he wouldn't expect anything, especially him. Class 1-A had been giddy about Bakugou's birthday for the past week. Making new bazaar plans each day, which wasn't the problem. Kirishima was the problem. You see, he and his boyfriend were practically joined at the hip, and keeping them away from each other would be the most difficult obstacle yet.

But it was all for a good cause.

Kirishima finishes blowing balloons and stuffing them in his closet. Sero and Sato said they'd handle the cake and Jurio and Momo said they would handle the rest the decorations while everyone else helped to decorate the common room.

The plan was almost sure to succeed, it was up to Kaminari and Mina now. Which was definitely not the most calming thing to think about. Kirishima took this time to text everyone and verify plans. He straightened up his room and got out his clothes for tomorrow. He went to bed at a reasonable time tonight, imagining his boyfriend's face when he's surprised on his birthday, the thought itself made him smile. Eventually, he fell asleep.

Kirishima's alarm tells him the day is a go, the test starts now. His habit of waking up to Bakugou at his door telling him to hurry couldn't happen today. So, he woke up extra early and got ready to go to school, being the first person in the class 1 hour early, he anticipated the awaiting day.

As students filed in he looked for the blond who eventually walked in with his usual scowl on his face but a little hint of irritation twitched in his furrowed eyebrows.

He was almost immediately jumped by Kaminari and Mina who crowed around his desk as he sat down. Just as he was about to snap, Awiza sensei headed in and ordered everyone to sit down. Kirishima averted his eyes from the blond as everyone scurried to their seats.

"Today's lesson we'll be focusing on qurikless hand to hand combat. Quirks are useful but its wildly important to understand what it's like to be without them. Everyone find a partner and we will advance to the training ground."


Kirishima's mind stutters as he sees the blond walking towards him from the corner of his eyes. Of course, he'd want to partner up with me.

"Kirishima! D'you wanna be my partner?"

Kirishima whences and turns around.

"I'm not sure if...Oh! Of course ill be your partner Sero!" he says, grabbing him by the arm and making a quick getaway. Unfortunately, he gets a short look at Katsuki face as he leaves, which held a mix of confusion and sadness. Today's gonna be harder than he thought.

"Thanks, Sero you literally saved my ass back there."

"Eh, I just didn't want to have to be Bakugou's partner instead."

Kirishima saw that the blond ended up teaming up with Kaminari, and it seems he has a bone to pick with him, he doesn't look happy.

"Bakugou? Come on! I yield!" Kaminari shouts. Kirishima giggles and tries to take his mind off of the blond as best as he could for now and at least be a good partner for Sero.

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