You. [10] Surprise! pt: 2/2

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Day:10/30 (Fluff)

Prompt: Bakugou's birthday

Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou

Words: 784


Kirishima's Pov❤

The party lasted for about two hours less than we thought it would. Who would have thought katsuki wasn't the parting type, well, I will admit it was adorable when he admitted he was tired at 8:45. Everyone offered to clean up while we headed back to his dorm room. He threw himself on his bed and scooched over to give me a little room.

"Are you still mad at me suki?" I ask, he crosses his arms and looked away. He doesn't say anything but I know he was waiting for me to sit next to him. So I did.

"Ssssuuuukiii' I know you're mad but you liked the surprise didn't you!?"

He didn't respond.

"Come on, I know you liked it!"

Kirishima moved his head to look at Bakugou's but he moved his head out the way. Unsurprised at my boyfriend's stubbornness, I smiled and tickled him. Like all tickling sessions between the two, Bakugou started off by screaming he wasn't ticklish, then he went from yelling to telling Kirishima to stop and last but defiantly not least, he would be laughing as if his life depended on it.

"Kirishima stop!!"

"I won't until you tell me if you liked it or not!"

"Fine! Fine! I was happy to see everyone wasn't pissed at me!" he said mid-laugh

"Now that wasn't so bad now was it!"

"Shut up."

"You know, you're so adorable," I respond. He lightly punches me in the chest and turns around with his arms crossed, holy shit I love when he pouts like that, but that's something he doesn't have to know.

"I thought you were fucking mad at me," he says.

"Yeah, I know, and I'm so sorry for that, my goal wasn't to make you sad... I love you."

"I wasn't fucking sad!" he quickly rebuttled


"I fucking wasn't!"

"Ok suki' let me hold you."





"I love you too..."


"No! Shut up I take it back!"

"You would never." I kiss him on his nose and turn of the light, were laying down now, even though it's 9:00, I found my self getting a little tired, it seems like I've adjusted to his schedule huh?

"Yeah, I wouldn't," he said, snuggling closer to his back was touching my chest.


"So what'd you do with Kaminari and Mina all day?"

"Hold back on kicking both of their asses."

"Okay and...?"

"Well for starters, Pikachu wouldn't shut the fuck up about hermit crabs, and mina was checking her phone half of the damn time."

"Yeah, Mina was talking to me the majority of the day, that's how I knew you seemed sad."

"I wasn't -"

"Yeah yeah."

"You know in two weeks we would have been officially dating for a year now?" I ask.

"Yep, I honestly thought you would forget."

"Huh??? I would never! I love you too much my blond cinnamon bun!"

"What the absolute fuck, don't ever call me that ever again."

"Ooh, feisty!"

"Shut it."

"So, what would you want for our anniversary," I ask, he turns to face me and cuddles into my arms, I could feel his breath in my chest.

"What do you think," he says into my shirt, his words are so adorably muffled I had to physically hold back on "awe-ing".

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you, babe, "



"I want to spend the entire day with you and only you," he says closing his eyes and relaxing into my arms.

"Well I thought that was a given, I mean it's our anniversary," I respond.

"That's all I want."

"Holy shit I love you so much suki'" I say as I hug him tightly, he grunts in surprise but accepts it, I could practically feel his smile on my shirt.

"You're so cheesy oh my gosh," he says with a giggle, unknowingly hugging me tighter than I was him. "But that's one of the things I love about you."

"Katsuki you better stop saying cute shit before I fucking die of a heart attack."

"Ooo! What a potty mouth!"

"I learn from the best suki'."

"Same here you mushy shit, I'm corny because you are."

"Then I should be congratulating myself for making an angel even more angelic."

"See what I mean?"

"Yeah, but I wouldn't change a single thing."


"I'm getting sleepy now," he says, loosening the grip he has in my chest.

"Me too. Good night, suki'"



"I was sad, but I'm pretty fucking happy now."

"Me too kat, more than you'd ever know."

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