Close The Door Behind You! [11]

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Day: 11/30 (Fluff)


Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou

Words: 563

Kirishima loved his boyfriend, everything about him from head to toe made his heart melt and every day he thanked the Lord to have someone that awesome continually by his side.

now, Kirishima had his flaws, I mean, who doesn't? He tends to tap his toes obnoxiously when he's focusing, making Bakugou almost go crazy during their study sessions. He also spent way too long in the morning doing his hair, and as much as he hates to admit it, he goes through an entire 3-pack of toothbrushes at least once a week.

So yeah, he's not perfect.

Bakugou, on the other hand, tends to carry himself around better, ever since the 3rd year if high school, Bakugou had been able to control his anger and is overall a nice guy, and he's well on his way to being perfect.

"Well on his way" is a is the key group of words in this situation.

Bakugou and Kirishima have known each other for roughly 3 years and were dating for 2 and a half of that. Bakugou is still a stubborn shit that will work as hard as he needs to achieve his goal. Some things never change.

Which bring's this to its main point.


Even before they were dating Kirishima and Bakugou spent time with each other on a regular basis. And not once, not on a single occasion, Has Bakugou shut the door before leaving.  Kirishima would remind him and remind him. Hell, he's almost sure he does it now just to piss him off.

"Kiri, I'm going to head back to my dorm, I'm tired."

"Huh? It's 8:25..."

"Shut up."

"Okay, see you in the morning, "


"Wait! Shut my doo-"

And there he goes, leaving the door wide open. How does someone even do that?? It's got to be a reflex for you to shut doors behind you by now in your life.

But no. He has to speed walk out of the room like he's got something in the microwave burning. And every time Kirishima points it out, it's always "I do shut the door you little shit" or "and that's a problem because?"

Kirishima usually didn't mind this, at times he even found it funny, especially on the days where the blond does it on purpose. But when he's in his bed and his phone is carefully propped on his pillow and his shirt and pants are removed and he's laying under his blanket on his stomach. The LAST thing he wants to do is stand up and shut the door. Which he always had to with an annoyed grunt and the role of his eyes and a sigh he held until he was able to get comfortable again.

And it was never subtle either! There was one day where Bakugou left his dorm door open and only returned to open it wider, he left with a grin and practically skipped back to his room.

Having the two living so close was a blessing and a curse.

But no matter how many times Balugou decided his passtime would to be to piss of his boyfriend. Kirishima would still love him with his heart to its greatest extent.

Though, when Bakugou decided to shut doors behind him, he would truly be the happiest man alive.

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