Another Thing He Wont Admit. [23]

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Day: 23/30 (Fluff & Smut)

Prompt: Formalwear, Masturbation

Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou

Words: 1,230

Despite his utmost unwillingness to admit it aloud, Katsuki was pretty sure Ejirou looked great in everything he wore. It seems as if no matter the Redheads intention, he would always find a way amaze the blond with his sheer good looks. And although these types of thoughts seemed a tad-bit more intimate than "Bro complements" as Ejirou would say. Bakugou couldn't find it in himself to block them out.

Ever since his first year of high school, When Kirishima picked Bakugou's suit for an I-island formal party, Bakugou forced him to do the same every time a mandatory formal event popped up. Maybe because he enjoyed getting sized from the redhead, Maybe not, it was also plausible that Bakugou liked spending time with the taller boy, but he wouldn't admit it aloud.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima yelled from outside the bathroom door.

The blond jumped and tiny explosions arose from the palm of his hands, slightly burning the dry bar of soap he held. It proved to be difficult to fully adjust to having a roommate, but it had its benefits.


"I got you another suit for tonight!"

Bakugou's face reddened and his heart practically leaped out of his chest. He felt remarkably thankful for the door between him and his roommate. If it weren't for the simple piece of wood, Katsuki was pretty sure he would have lunged at Kirishima to kiss him already, or, would have at least considered it.

"You just bought one last week shithead!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Bakugou calmed himself down in the mirror and opened the bathroom door. Kirishima had his arm on the door frame, leaning on it to where if Bakugou were to continue walking they would have bumped heads.

Bakugou looked up to scowl at the boy. The summer after their last year of high school Kirishima had grown a couple of inches taller than Bakugou, which was something Bakugou also liked about the redhead, and wouldn't admit aloud.

Kirishima wore an all-black tux and a white bow tie that was bound to get dirty the second he got food, this Katsuki had never seen him wear before.

"You got yourself one too?" Bakugou asked, slightly adjusting Kirishima's crooked tie with both of his hands.

What Bakugou failed to notice was Kirishima flustered reaction, his eyes dilated and his face lightened pink.

"Y-yeah, here," Kirishima mumbled. After he handed him the bag, he softly pushed past the blond to walk into the bathroom.

Inside the bag was an all-white tux and a black Bow tie. Bakugou was considerably less messy than Kirishima but he still feared the impending stains the outfit would endure. He quickly put the fabric on and grabbed his wallet and keys. He wished he had more time to check to see if he looked okay but if they waited any longer to leave they would be late yet again to another mandatory job-related party, and that probably wouldn't sit well with Kirishima.

Once Kirishima stepped out of the bathroom is hear was freshly spiked and he was ready to go. He patted around his body, starting at his front pants pocket where he had his wallet, to the back. His eyes widened slightly.

"I've got your keys," Bakugou said, shaking the chain in his hand. He couldn't help but smile at the other's reaction when he smiled brightly and took them from his hand.

"I thought I left them at work!" he said, holding the door for the bond to walk out of.

" would that have worked?"

"I realized it was stupid after I said it, don't judge me!"

"Too late."

The two made it just on time, it wasn't unusual for people to complement them and how their always matching outfits. Katsuki rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, but something he also refused to admit is he absolutely loved it.

The event went as usual, Kirishima hopped from person to person and Bakugou tagged along, saying a word or two when feeling or when Kirishima brought him into the conversation. The ride home was usual too, how  Bakugou would "rest his eyes" and it always turned into a nap, which Kirishima saw as one of the cutest things ever.

The two arrived at the house at around 9:45-ish, earlier than most times, but no one was complaining. Bakugou made a beeline for his room to change and go to sleep. While Kirishima headed into his room to probably not go to sleep for another couple of hours.

"Goodnight Bakugou!" Kirishima said as Bakugou shut his door.

The blond paused and opened the door

"G'night shitty hair."

Kirishima smiled and turned off the living room light. Once in his room, he stripped himself out of his newly purchased tux and thew it in the corner of his room.

Bakugou doesn't know how adorable he is, does he?  Kirishima thinks.

His mind flashes to the blond in the suit Kirishima had bought for him, and how Katsuki followed him around like a lost puppy during every social event they attend.

It's genuinely adorable.

He thought back to the way Katsuki's hand shot up to his bow tie as he spoke, his lips moving gracefully as his sight was fixed on straightening the accessory. And how he pretended he didn't fall asleep on the way back home every time they went out.

Kirishima heart pounded as he thought about him.

And Katsuki's round red eyes.

His Plump lips and shallow dimples.

His slim hips and busty chest.

His huge ass.

And now he's hard.

Kirishima always felt bad and regretted masturbating to his friend after he had finished, but right now, the urge was far too strong to resist.

Kirishima sat on his bed and took no time to remove his boxers, he eyed his length and imagined it being aligned at Katsuki's tight hole and he was faced down on the mattress. Kirishima moved his hand down his shaft, slightly tightening his grip. His cock twitched as he stroked slowly.

Bakugou fingering himself to prepare for his girth would fucking kill Kirishima, he thumbed his head, rubbing small circles over the soft, wet skin, pre-come leaked out of him and he groaned, loud enough that if Bakugou wasn't asleep he would have definitely heard.

But that would be great, wouldn't it?

Making the blond hard with just his voice.


Bakugou's face painted with streaks of his come after sucking him off.

Kirishima wanted to make Katsuki come and scream his name, quirk going crazy as he scorched the sheets he held in his small hands.  He wanted to spread his ass and press inside, absolutely fucking abuse his prostate with ever movement inside his warm walls. He would kill to be able to muffle Katsuki's loud moans with his own lips.

Kirishima wanted to see the blond under him so bad, he wanted to see his ass jiggle while he rode him. He stroked faster, his body twitched as he reached his limit. He came and released on one of his parted legs.

After some cleaning up and self resentment, Kirishima laid down in the dark and listened to music, allowing Katsuki to occupy his mind.

Bakugou enjoyed listing to Kirishima masturbate, but that's not something he would ever admit aloud.

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