Extra Sensitive [also 24] Who's a good boy? pt.2/2

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An: I'm so sorry this took so long to finish!

Day: 24/30 (fluff, smut, light angst like barley...like, I bet you couldn't even call it that)

Prompt: BARKugou

Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou

Words: 1,369

An: I didn't have time to proofread and now I must suffer the consequences

Kirishima bites back a laugh while they head into the cafeteria. The other three, on the other hand, can't seem to control them selfs. They run ahead for the sole purpose of making Katsuki angry.

"Do you have any idea how cute you are?!" Mina yells.

Bakugou visibly tenses, his tail tucked away in his legs.

"Shut the fuck up before I scorch your eyes," he said, walking to Kirishima and practically cowering behind him.

Mina turns to Sero, and whispers so quietly that Kirishima couldn't hear.

"That was cute too."

Bakugou's hands raised and he pushed Kirishima aside, explosions coming from him in sparks of rage. Kirishima grabs his arm and pulls him back.

"Mina I have no idea what you said but whatever it was please apologize," Kirishima begged.

"I don't want her fucking apology! Kirishima, I'm hungry."  He turns around and walks over to buy food. After shrugging at the half scared half amused group, Kirishima follows closely behind.

For lunch, Bakugou had an abnormal amount of meat. He even ate Kirishima's after he offered it. Usually, he would mind because the meat is literally one of the Kirishima's favorite things to take part in, but this time was different, cause seeing his boyfriend's tail wag once he was offered more food eas probably the cutest thing Kirishima would witness in his lifetime.

The rest of the day, however, went by almost normally, there were a couple of times where Kirishima had to stop the blond from 'accidentally' murdering someone, but its not like that something the two didn't already do on a daily basis.

On their way back to the dorms Kirishima noticed Katsuki's drooped posture. His ears where down and his tail hid next legs, he was also abnormally quiet.

"Hey, Katsu?"


"What going on?"

Bakugou didn't speak for a while like he was trying to find the right words. He had that determined face he always wore when he was trying to hold back from crying.

"I.. I look, really fucking stupid, don't I?"

His words caught the other off guard. Bakugou wasn't normally one to give a shit about what people think. It made Kirishima feel a bit guilty, not noticing earlier.

"What makes you think that?" he said. As they entered Katsukis room, which they practically shared now.

He shrugged and laid down facing the wall, peeling off the beige paint.

"They wouldn't stop looking at me."

Kirishima kept back his urge to cry, he hated when the blond showed any hint of insecurity when in fact he was someone he thoroughly looked up to.

"I don't think you look stupid, I don't anyone thought you look stupid."

"thinklook really stupid," he said, stuffing his face in a close by pillow and taking a deep breath.

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