I Miss Your Body [25] So tiny! 3/3

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Day: 25/30 (Fluff, Smut)

Prompt: Baby bakugou

Couple: M/M Kirishima, Bakugou

Words: 1,436

Two months.

Two entire months since Kirishima had had an actual conversation with Katsuki.

Kirishima awoke to loud crying and a tight hold on his calf,again.

A couple of weeks ago, Kirishima decided to enroll the child in a daycare center. Although, bakugou definitely wasn't happy about that. It's just, Kirishima can't miss any more days of work because of this, and he felt like he needed space. It was exhausting waking up repeatedly to feed the child. It was also unbearably dishearting to watch katsuki try to speak with him and cry in frustration when it didn't work. That katsuki understood, so he bared with the daycare. But it hurt nonetheless.

After a long day of work, Kirishima drove to Bakugou's daycare center, instead of straight home.

"Bakugou! Your daddy's here!" one of the staff yelled.

Bakugou ran through the women's legs and hugged Kirishima's calf tightly. He wiped his face on his leg, covering it in tears. Kirishima picked him up and kissed his forehead lightly.

"Shhh, it's okay suki'. H-How was he today?"

"He was okay, he hit Sebastian for his toy today... but he gave it back."

"Suki!" Kirishima looked down at the blond, who just rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Hey is everything okay at home?" The women blurted.


"See, Bakugou-kun was never super sweet to the other children, but he's been on edge lately... he spent more than half of today crying. He even fell asleep during nap time..." She said, stepping almost uncomfortably closer.

"Oh. I'll look into it when we get home, thank you so much." Kirishima whispered, he turned around and headed for the door with the child now in his arms.


Kirishima looked back, and so did katsuki. The woman's face was all red and she twisted with her fingers.

"I-i can give you my number and help i-if you want!" she said.


"Ah-Shit! Suki' are you okay?" Kirishima yells. He looks down at the blond, who's obviously fake crying.

"S-sorry! See you around!" Kirishima yells as he turns back. Katsuki made sure to give the girl a smug smile before they left.

Kirishima strapped Bakugou in his car seat in the back. The ride back home was silent. Which Kirishima knew was something the inner "Adult" bakugou would appreciate.

Once they returned home, Kirishima breathed deeply, like a massive weight was just lifted off his chest. He sat bakugou down in his high chair and made him some oatmeal with some cut bananas and straw barries on the side. If there was one thing he got out of these two months of absolute torture, it was how to cook for a teething toddler.


The child looked up.

"I know you can't answer me aloud, but can you write something for me?" Kirishima asked, handing the blond some paper and one of adult bakugou's favorite pens. he felt like his idea wouldn't work, but now he was desperate.

The blond shook his head. He picked up the pen and his hands shook as if he had no control of his limbs. He desperately repositioned the pen to his other, nondominant hand, but struggled more.

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