2. First day of hell

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|Katsuki's POV|

It's five in the morning and my first day at work starts at seven. I have two hours to get ready. That seems to be  much but I'm too nervous. I went to take shower and my oral hygiene. I finished and looked at my watch. It was six and seven minutes.

I was looking what to wear, although it doesn't matter cause I gonna have my uniform but still. It was already six and thirty and I ran to the job. I wanted to come early. The job was fifteen minutes walk away from my house. So I was early only fifteen minutes.

When I came to the hospital with my black blouse, blue jeans and black shoes I saw many doctors, nurses, patients.... It's hospital. Of course I saw that.

"Excuse me!" I heard some voice like someone was trying to talk to me. I looked up and saw a dark blue haired man with dark blue eyes and glasses. "Are you Katsuki Bakugou? The nurse student for doctor college?". I nooded.

"My name is Iida Tenya. You don't seem like you are very comfortable here. Unfortunately, I guess, you gonna get used to this. You can call me Dr. Tenya or prof. Tenya. I am going to show you the part of hospital you gonna work and I am going to meet you with your colleagues.".

I nooded again. I guess he expects me to say something. So I was like: "I'm glad to be here and I promise to do my best.".

"I'm glad to hear that. Here. Follow me." He said while turning around and starting walking. I was following him. My section was a section with people with the worst mental disorders. Mina you shit!

Dr. Tenya walked me to the some office. In office were sitting three doctors. I guess they are my other bosses. Dr. Tenya ordered me to sit down I sat next to green haired boy and Canadian flag boy. The third doctor was female. I guess that's Momo.

"Guys. This your student. Katsuki Bakugou." Dr.Tenya

"Nice to meet you Katsuki. My name is Momo Yaororozu. I promise to teach you well. Also, if you need anything just say. I would be really happy to help you."

"Izuku Midoriya."

"Shoto Todoroki."


|Todoroki's POV|

It's been 30 minutes since I met my new student. Unfortunately, I'm the first today who is tutoring him. I showed him our patients,and I saw how he is not really interested in my talk.

"Exuce me, Miss Queen of the world. Do I bore you?"

"What?! No!" He answered pretty quickly.

"You are lying. I can see that. Our bodies are often working against our will." I explained to him but he didn't seem quite satisfied with that. Geez, what a annoying brat. I could tell by the smell is he alpha or not but I assumed that he is by his acting.

"Listen alpha. I don't have time for this bullshit. If I bore you, there are the doors." I was pretty angry. That's probably why he reacted with silence. Although his face was strange. I probably said something what's lie. I do bore him. So the alpha part is probably lie.

"Beta?" He still didn't respond. At least not fast.

"Alpha." Hahahaha....he is lying. So that leaves us omega. He is an omega. How cute. He surely doesn't act like one.

"So omega it is."

"What?! You read that to on my face?!?!"

"Don't tell! It's unpolitly and annoying as hell. It's okay to be weaker specie. I didn't quite recognised what you are because of you parfumes and behaviour." I made him angry now.

He lowed his head but I could still see his angry red face. I smiled. Also I gave him the 'let's continue' look and I started talking about work again. He just looked at my feets entire time and didn't even said anything. I was sure he is listening but also I knew he didn't like me. He is one big piece of shit.

|Deku's POV|

After Todoroki finished with our little student, I claimed him. Todoroki was talking about work and teaching with our little student for over a two hours. Finally came my turn. I gave him the work schedule.

Todoroki told me that he is rude. And omega. How interesting. We gonna have omega for student. Todoroki except he talked to him, he made him clean all instruments, disinfect them and put them in alphabetical order. He came pretty exhausted.

Well Todoroki is pretty evil. But he can't take all fun for himself. Let me see what can I gave our new little student to do? Hmmmm...

"Are you going to talk to yourself and stare at that wall whole time or teach me something?"

"Oh, ho ho! Someone is unpatient! Tell me honey. Do you know how to act to your bosses?". He looked at me strangely and angry. Bitch. Yes. Or. No.

I think he noticed I want answer so he said: "Yes, Dr.Midoriya.". Awwwwwww. I was so proud of him. Pretty little shit. I smiled at him and told him to change all sheets and pillows. Also to put new ones. We have like fifty beds. So he won't be over for around two hours. Well, his problem.

|Katsuki's POV|

God. Please. Kill. Me. I have been here for four hours yet, and I am exhausted. Dr.Midoriya and Dr.Todoroki were so patheticly rude and I don't like them. Finally I finished with that stupid beds. Now is Dr.Yaororozu's turn.

"Hi honey! How is going on first day of job?"

"Great." I guess she noticed my sarcasm so she just said: "Dr.Todoroki and Dr.Midoriya? Right? Don't worry. They are just teasing. They gonna love you on the end." I looked at her. Them? Me? They seem more like they want to kill me.

"Anyway, I don't have jobs for you now. I'm going to put you little on you field. Here. This are nurses you are going to work with." She said while pointing out three really annoying bitches.

"Hi blondie! My name is Uraraka. Ochaco Uraraka! You are an omega right?! How cute~~~ I'm really glad to meet you!" Crazy, obviously, girl with round face and cheeks was pretty much annoy me. I don't like her.

"Jiro. Actually Kyoka Yaororozu now. But you can still call me Jiro if you want. We went at the same college with Mina. She said you are like a little brother to her." This girl looked and seemed okay. She is probably the one Mina told me. She is undominant beta married to alpha Dr.Yaororozu.

"My name is Tsuyu. Asui Tsuyu. I looking forward to work with you." She smiled. Well she is fine too.

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