8. 'It'

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|Deku's POV|

"So...let's skip to the party. It was party for adults what is only natural cause they were teenagers. And I was ten,I wasn't that young when you look from different angle." Lucky to me he continued but still not getting to the point. Like he is trying to avoid it. He was shuttering a little I could see it.

"Hey Kacchan?" He raised his head to meet his eyes with mines. He looked angry again cause I stopped him again. "Listen to me. Get to the point. Don't fuck with details it's annoying. Okay? Come on. What happend?" He was shuttering now more. I think he was bitting his toung. I saw blood coming from his mouth.

"Kacchan....if is hard for you then-"

"I was kidnapped!" He yelled

"Wh-?" Shock. He was....what?! But-?! No! Wait! What?!

"Happy?! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! But- It's Okey now. Im alive. That's what matters right?"

"NO! I MEAN YES! BUT NO! It does matter that you are alive! But-! What happend?! Are you Okey?!?! Are you alive?!?! Did they hurted you?!?!?!"

Kacchan started giggling. "Hhahahahah....Of course I'm alive silly!" I dead glared him. How can he smile now? Nevermind. I like his smile. It's soft and pretty. Unlike his attitude.

"Please continue." I said



"That's all."



"KACCHAN! CONTINUE!" He shuttered a little when I yelled. I glared at him again.

"I.......I........I....." He shaking.


"STOP YELLING AT ME!" Fuck. Fuck. He was crying. Damn. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I hugged him tight. He was sobbing and crying really hard. Damn I really didn't make him this any easier right? Breathe Izuku. You can do this. "Kacchan....it's Okey. Please continue. I'm sorry. I didn't meant to tell at you."

"Well.........I...........it wasn't that bad you see. I was kidnapped by some old man who tried to rape me but thankfully Kirishima and the others came on time. So I was unhurted. Just few bruises and screeches."

Damn. Just that?!? Just that?!?!??!??!! JUST THAT?!?!?!!?! JUST FUCKING THAT?!?!?!?!?!!

"You know is not their fault. They were my best friend's ever since that."

"I will fucking kill them!"



"Please dont. It's not their fault."


"It's Okey! Okey?! It's was long time ago and everything is fine now. I wasn't hurted or anything so it doesn't actually matter. Also they made up for that mistake. They have been by my side since that day nonstop. They are like my family now and nothing you say can change my mind!"

Fuck. He is right. Damn. I really wanted to punch Kirishima in the head but I won't. I won't. At least not until Katsuki watch.

"Are you gonna say something?"

"Oh yeah....Well....I guess you are right."

"About what?"

"Nothing I say can't change your beautiful messy mind cause you are a stuborn little bitch. But- i will listen to you and try to become friends with your big responsible family."

"Screw you"

"Thanks. So.....what now?"

"What, what now?"

"You are pregnant aren't you?"

|Katsuki's POV|

"Thanks. So.....what now?"

"What, what now?"

"You are pregnant aren't you?"

Oh my freaking god! Fuck I totally forgot!!! Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. This is bad. This is really bad! What am I gonna do now!? I can't raise a child! This isnt fair! It shouldn't have ended like this! Fuck!


I tried to answer to Deku but I didn't have anything to say. I was just staring at my floor like a murder scene was happening there.

"You know...If you want to abort it, I'm fine with that too."

Again. Silence. Abort it? Do I want to abort it? It? No. It's not 'it'! It's a child. I don't really want to abort it, but I don't want to keep it either. Fuck! This is so fucked.

"Or not?"

Or not? I left Deku without a answer again. I was mumbling stuffs to myself about a child and everything-

"Kacchan? Do you want to keep a child? Or not? Is that simple. I know it wasn't the plan at first but we could make it. Do you wanna give a birth to my child or not?"

I.....I do. But I'm afraid. Of other people reactions. Of time. Of how things would work out. Of everything. Wait...if someone in the hospital finds out....Deku would get fired! I can't let that happend. I'm not going to abort the child. But- i will tell Deku that I would.

"Deku...I don't want that child..."


"I don't want your child. Please go away from my apartment." I tried the best to hold my tears. He glared at me. Angry. He wanted to punch I could see it in his eyes. But he just stood up and left. He just....left.

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