15. "Dad?"

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|Deku's POV|

"Oi Deku! Stop staring it's creepy as fuck and start talking in the name of God."

"Oh Okey. Ammmmmmm.....How are you?" Fuck. I couldn't think of anything better. I smiled nervously realising how stupid and pathetic I sound.

"Well you know, I'm good. This is just an ordinary day. I met my ex after 15 years. He then left but return BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE AND SHOWING HIS UGLY ASS ON TOP OF ME!!!!!!  And how are you, you little peice of shit?!"

"I see you are still rude little asshole." Beautiful rude little asshole. But I left the beautiful out.

"I see you are still full of yourself!" Oh really?!

"I see you still spoiled little prick!"

"I see you are still selfish hoe!" Hahahhahahahahah...he ain't giving without a fight. I was laughing so I didn't even notice that he is also laughing. Men, his smile. So freaking cute!!!!!!! He looks like an angel. So precious. I couldn't help myself. He looked so pure and....like he wanted it.... So I kissed him. I kissed his beautiful pinky lips. They tasted so damn good!!!!! How can he be so perfect?!?!?! I don't understand!!!!! I entered my tounge inside his mouth. He was fighting back but he calmed down while I rubbed his belly. I realized that with Uraraka. It always calms her down so I thought-...., And it worked. I won't tell that part to Katsuki cause he will never forgive me. His mouth felt so damn good I couldn't believe it. I wanted more. I freaking wanted more!

"Papa?" I ignored the voice, cause I thought that I'm imagining it. But Katsuki become violent and he was pushing so hard, but I didn't let go. I let him take one breath and then I continued exploring his mouth. He make a quiet moan what was cute as motherfucking hell but he kept pushing like crazy. Then I felt something hitting my head. I felt on the floor looking at blondie girl with dark green eyes and freckles. Fuck. Did she just saw all that?! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"You are the doctor from that hospital I visited three days ago? Right?" She asked with holding the broken lamp. So the bitch hited me with that shit?!?!?!

"Ah yes..." I said while getting up.

"Don't you dare come any closer!!!!" She yelled while threatening me with lamp. I stood up. Katsuki was still on bed little shocked of situation, I could see that.

"Wait! Hold on! I'm not here to hurt any of you!" I tried to calm her down.

"He was leaving." Katsuki added himself. No I wasn't. No I fucking wasn't.

"I'm not so sure about that!!! It didn't seem like my Papa liked what you did!!!! AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!?!?!" Wow....What enthusiastic girl....

"Well your Papa did like that." I said smiling  at Katsuki. He gave me death glare. He then stood up and came closer to his daugh- No! OUR DAUGHTER! And he took the lamp of her hands.

"It's okey Aiko. Calm down a little. Go down to kitchen and make a coffee." He then looked at me:"For all of us.".

"Are you sure?" She whispered to Katsuki's ears and he nooded. Girl left the room giving me a death glare which says 'i will put a fucking poison in your coffee' before leaving. Such a lovely girl. Khm. Khm.

"Aiko....Isn't your daughter...."

"Katsuki don't lie to me. I know she is. Stop hiding it."

"And why is it so fucking important to you!?!?!? Ha?!?!?! Why?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!?!?!"

"Ah.....you are really a big pain in the ass sometimes Katsuki...You see I want to....." Wait.... What do I want?!??!? IM FUCKING MARRIED!!!!! DID I CHEAT AT URARAKA NOW?!?! Well I don't care about that. Fuck. Katsuki still doesn't know I'm married or that I have children.

"WHAT?!?! WHAT DO YOU WANT DEKU?!?" I saw tears coming from Katsuki's eyes. He looked so sad. So........... alone.......


I felt qiulty. I have to tell him.

"Katsuki....I.......I'm sorry. I want to-"

"COFFEE IS READY!" Fuck. Katsuki then left the room going to where his daughter was. I followed him. We were in living room now. Katsuki was sitting next to me and Aiko was on the other side of table.

"Mind telling me why you tried rape my Papa?" Rape?!?! RAPE?!?!?! I didn't try to rape him!

"He didn't. Aiko this is Izuku Midoriya. As you already know he works in hospital which you visited with your class." Katsuki saved me. I guess.

"Yeah I know! His fucking wife slapped me in the face!!!" I saw Katsuki spat the coffee.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" I didn't know should I tell him about my wife first or the slapping in the face thing first.

"Well you see....Kind a two years later you left.....Maybe I got married." He looked at me.....Deadly.

"To Uraraka." He was just deadly staring.

"I have two sons now....." His silence is killing me.

"And maybe she got jealous when Aiko showed up and she lost her nerves and slapped her in the face........ ?" Aiko looked at me angry and confused. Katsuki stood up. He looked me in the eyes and slapped me in the face. So hard. So painful. But I did deserve this. I lied to him. I kissed him and use him in some weird way. I used him to fill my desire. He then left the room. I could hear that he is crying and going upstairs.

"You tried to rape my father while you are married?!?!?! Are you insane?!?!?! Couldn't you see that he is mated?!?!?!" She yelled at me.

"I MATED HIM!"  That made her shut the fuck up. She looked at me with eyes of wonder and curiosity.

"I'm your father Aiko. I'm sor-"

"Shut up! If you are my real father,then I understand why Papa didn't want me to meet such an asshole like you." She stood up and left the room. I was left alone. I'm pretty sure they wanted me to leave but I just couldn't move. I was frozen. I felt bad for Katsuki, I felt bad for Aiko..... I.......


I took my phone and saw that it was Uraraka. I didn't answer. I knew I gotta fix this. But I didn't really know how to. I sat there for thirty minutes. To be honest it seemed like it pasted only two. I was completely in thoughts of how to fix this that I didn't care about the time or anything. I just stared at floor. Regretting my life choices. Completely.

"Deku.....?" I heard Katsuki's voice behind me. I raised my head to see him. He looked like he was crying. I knew it. He then came in and sat next to me.

"You should have told me about Uraraka. And children."

"I know. I'm sorry." I said hoping that that would fix few things.

"You told Aiko."

"Ah yes."

"Great now I have to let you in my life again." What? What is he saying? Is he giving me a chance again?!?! No! That couldn't be! Or?!?!

"Aiko looked for a father ever since she knew for herself. She was imagining him as a smart, independent, strong person. Who will protect her from alphas." What? Wait is Aiko also....-?

"Aiko is omega. Like me. You disappointed her. And I want you to fix that. She is broken crying and saying how all her dreams are dead." I just stared. I didn't know what to say.

"Don't you get it Deku? You were her dreams. She dreamed about happy family and a father from fairy tales. I know you are not a guy from somewhat fairy tail, but you can at least pretend to her like you are. If you don't think you can do it, then leave and never come in my life again."

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