28. Shooping

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|Deku's POV|

"So...I see you met William. Our new patient."

"Well no shit!"

"Hey! Are you like a real doctor?" No, honey I'm priest.

"No you silly! He is manager of this Spa. Hey you! Your massager is crazy. I want a new one!"

"Ivy. I'm a doctor. And this Katsuki. He is nurse." Sometimes I feel like she understands what I'm telling her but she decides to ignore it.

"What!? You are all crazy here!!! Crazy!!!!"

"No sweetheart. You are."

Ah...Ivy is here two years already and she still thinks she is in Spa. What a big pain in the ass. "Katsuki your shift is over for two hours, right?"

"Why? Is that a problem?"

"Geez calm down. Of course it's not. My shift is over too. Let's go home together." What a reaction. Will he ever stop hating me?

"Yeah, no way."

"Why not?"

"I would rather die."




Maybe he just have a bad day?

"Come on. We need to buy groceries."

"No we don't! Have do you know that?"

"Yesterday you were yelling thirty minutes that we don't have potatoes, milk, bread and etc. And that you can't cook anything cause I never buy what you tell me and I never listen to you."

"You listened?"

"Not only me. Neighbors sued us. Thankfully the owner of the building had sympathy for me."

"Sympathy?! For you!?"

I just tried to ignore him on this. I didn't want to make him anymore angry. And we are on job. So no personal problems. I left the room cause I need to go to another patient.

Before I left I told Katsuki to go to room 92 to take care of Umi. Umi is fourteen years old girl who bought a gun and killed three girls in her class. Reason:They were bitches.

Katsuki kind a connected with her. Probably because he has a teenage daughter. Men I miss my children. I can't wait to go home. It's saturday so Aiko is home. I had a idea to take Daichi and Ryuu to our place too. I just gotta ask Katsuki.

~Time skip~

"Your shift is over Izuku. You are free."

"I know. Thanks Iida. I'm just waiting for Katsuki to finish with this patient and we are going."

After that Iida left. Thankfully Katsuki was over. He wasn't happy to see me waiting for him. But I don't care. He can't ignore me whole life. That would be stupid. And he doesn't have car. I do.

"So where are we going?"

"Oh! So you do want to go with me."

"No. Geez. NO! Like I said before, you never but what I tell you. So I'm going so you don't buy some shit again."

"Ah, alright." I sat on the driving seat while Katsuki on the passenger. We were driving to the mall in pure silent. I didn't know what to say and Katsuki obviously didn't want to talk with me.

When we arrived to the nearest mall I tried to start a conversation with Katsuki asking him how was his day. But he just ignored me and took the shipping cart. Only time when we were talking was when he would ask me what would I rather took, or what do I want for lunch tomorrow.

After we finished with shopping I wanted to pay but Katsuki didn't let me. Well I didn't really care. I'm richer than him. I payed against his will what made him even more angry. Of course. We approached to car and sat on our seats. I turned the car on and started driving to our apartment.

"You know, I thought that, because is Saturday, and Aiko is home, that maybe I could take my sons to our apartment."

"Do with your brats whatever you want!"

"Mean but thanks. It would be nice for you to finnaly meet them."

"Ah no. I thought that I would go to Kirishima's house since you are having your brats over."

"What!? No! Come on! Just give them a chance. Aiko loves them."

"Because of her I'm going through a this shit. That brat is going to be the death of me."

He is not wrong though. He is doing all this because of her. He don't give a fuck about the fact that I don't want him to leave.

"Hey Deku."


"What about the unborn child?"


"I'm pregnant for a month already. Two more months and I'm going to look like a basketball ball."

"Oh yeah. Well I guess you refuse to do abortion. And I will never let you do that. We are not giving him on a adoption. That means we have to keep him."

"Oh no shit Sherlock!!! I already knew that!!! But what am I going to tell to people? Who's child this is?"


"We can't say that!"

"Why not?"

"Because you were still married to Uraraka when we did, you know what. Correction. You ARE STILL MARRIED TO URARAKA."

That's true. I didn't know what to answer on that. The child is staying with us but if others find out that I'm having another child with Bakugou it will be a huge pain in the ass.


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