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"Take it down, burn it down!" Someone in the crowd screamed.
The villagers roared and grunted in agreement as they tried to pull down the statues of the first two Enchantdors to every be. Isreal and Ira.
We were chained against the wall to watch as they shamed our forefathers.
The mothers cried, father's tried breaking the chains but all their efforts were in vain.
I however was silent allowing the chains that bound me to carry and hold my weight as I cried silently watching as they burn down my heritage.
I had lost everything, my best friend, my parents, and home and now, my dignity-

But my dream was cut short by a knock.
"Bethany?" A voice called. It was father's.


"Could I come in?" He asked.

I sat up and straightened my hair and beddings.

The door knob twists slightly as father allows his slender frame through my door his elongated fingers closing the door gently behind him.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." He placed a kiss on my forehead and sat down beside me on my bed.

"Is anything the matter?"

He didn't respond at first as if trying to figure out what he was going to say.
"Arthur's mother called not quite long ago and told me that he had come home with a busted lip and bruised knuckles."

I didn't say anything as I sank deeper into the sheets. I didn't want to think or talk about what happened yesterday between Arthur and Diego. I hated seeing him like that. So reckless and violent.

"She also mentioned that Diego Costa's mother is willing to address the issue to the Head Minister and the White Witch."

I knew what the that meant. Every Enchantdor knew what it meant to be reported to either the Head Minister or the White Witch. Death. I was dazed, the Head Minister and the White Witch are members of the Sanhindrin, the highest, most superior magical council in the entire magical dimension. The fact that our race was considered an abomination made it easier for the councils to press chargers against us, usually resulting in death.

"Bethany?" Father called.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lie through my teeth.

He gave me a sad smile and left.
Left me alone
Which may soon be story of Arthur and I.
I pray it's not though.
I'm already out the door, needing some air just to clear my head from this madness so I decided to take a walk.
Father wasn't in support of me going alone for it was no longer safe for us Enchantdors but I had to persuade him, I didn't argue because I understand his fear, not wanting to be alone.
My mother's death really did a number on him, he didn't eat for weeks. It was really a dark time in our family.
Hearing that my mother was killed by a witch when they had a heated argument was torture enough. But when they simply blamed my mother that was only the tip of the iceberg. But what haunted me the greatest is that they didn't bother pressing charges against the woman who killed her for that was how corrupted the system had become.
Father refused to talk for months seeing as dazed as he was, he was shattered and broken. Saying he was in pain was nothing short of an understatement.
But thankfully we're past that, mostly.
I could still remember the way my mother's laughter used to fill the air in our house with warmth, now that air is cold and silent.
I remember how she used to complain and side Arthur's mother when Arthur would come home with busted fists and me practically drowning in my own tears.
Well those days are over now, I jus-

There was a rustling in the woods.
I turned to see nothing and increased my pace.
The rustling seemed to follow me making me convert my fast paced steps into a jog.
I was never good at running, I blame my father for making me wear skirts.

I had my head rammed into something, but when I opened my eyes their was nothing there.
I tapped the surface.
It wasn't glass, it was like a force field.
But the question is:
Who's force field?

"Mine." A voice called. I looked around but saw nothing.

"Where are you?" I asked becoming afraid.

"I'm behind you." I felt a sharp icy tap at my back.

I turned to see two green fiery eyes. Like the ones I saw yesterday.
There was only one group of people that had their eyes that color.


"Yes, yes I am."

The Witches and Canis hate each other and seem to disagree with each others beliefs but the one thing for sure is that they both hate Enchantdors.
And I was face to face with a Cani.
His skin, like that of all Cani's was a light tan. Of all his attractive body- I won't lie to myself- it was his eyes that were most captivating. I'd never seen eyes of a Cani like that, at first I'd thought that it was because of the possibility that he might be a fire Cani, then I remembered something mother would say when Arthur and I were younger, still learning about our legacy.

“The Cani's royal family members had eyes of fire.”

Did that mean that this person was..?
No it couldn't be...
Was he-

"Royalty? Yes I am." He completed for me.

"Why are you stalking me?"

"Stalking?" He says creating a ball of water in his hands.

“Royalty in the Cani kingdom possessed all the elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air.”
My mother's voice continued to ring in my ears.

"Not stalking." He took steps each bringing himself close to me.
"More like taking interest."

By now my back was already at the force field.
And he was directly in front of me, too close for comfort.
"Father always talked about your people like their monsters and in my innocence, " He chuckled lightly.
"I thought that you would appear as such also. I never thought that a woman more beautiful that those of my kingdom resided within these borders." He tucked a strand of my hair gently behind my ears.
I knew that I was playing with fire, literally,  but I couldn't look away.
Peter and Iris.

"You do realize that I'm not a witch."

The prince moved back with confusion present on his face.
"I beg your pardon?"

"Do you really think that I'm foolish enough to let you get the best of me, as much as I hate the Wizards the stories I hear about your people don't make you Cani look better."

There was a pause for a minute or so, but what I meant finally dawned on him and he looked angry.

"How dare you insult my people?"
He took a step closer to me my back once again against the field.
"Do you not have any home training for you to realize that you must have respect for Wizards and Canis alike for we are you're forefathers?"

I looked into his fiery eyes angered that he would bring up my forefathers and met his furious gaze.
"And do you not have enough training to make you Canis and those Wizards to understand that you must fear us for we have greater power than you."

He was must certainly taken aback.
"I don't believe that someone with a look as innocent as your own have a tongue resembling the blade of a sword."

I felt pleased with myself.
"Why the tone of surprise your majesty?" I said with a curtsey.
"You must learn that you mustn't underestimate my character."

I turned realizing that the field was still there and tapped on it with my finger of ice to watch it shatter like a cup of glass.

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