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I was about to answer the knock on the front door.
Father had returned earlier than usual from his appointment with Madame Dew.
I opened the door.

"Forgotten me so soon my Enchantdora." But it wasn't father, it was the last person that I ever expected to see on the surface of the planet and now he was standing right at my doorstep.
In broad daylight might I add.

"Damien?" I asked even though I knew it was him.
The shock was too much.
Is he meaning to tell me that despite the current situation between the three clans, he was still bold enough to show up here.

"In the living flesh mon amor."
As mad as I was that he would put not only himself but the both of us in danger like this, I was glad to see him after all this time.
But of course, being as stubborn as a goat, I was not going to show it.

I crossed my arms.
"The last time we had a decent conversation-"

He cut me off.
"You mean when you mind warped me."

"Yes, Damien." I said frustrated.

"How did you even do that?"

"It's an Enchantdor thing- that's not the point!"

He laughed at my state of frustration.
And I narrowed my eyes at him.

"The last time we had a decent conversation, your Majesty." I said which made him clench his jaw.
His chiseled jaw.
Off topic.
"I told you that you were bonkers and had lost your brains and now you have done nothing but prove me right."

"I can't get you out of my head Bethany." He blurted out.


"I've tried, I've never tried so hard to do something in my life. All my efforts ended up in vain."


"Let me finish!"
He closed his fiery orbs and took a deep breath before opening them again.
"You are the only girl that has caused me sleepless nights. You are the only girl that has refused to fall at my feet. You are the only girl that I truly desire."

To say I was shocked was an understatement.
I was beyond speechless.

He put his palm on my cheek.
"You've made me so weak Blade. I've turned to putty in your arms. I'm wrapped around you like a vine. And what do you do? Reject me. Break me. All for some Enchantdor who can't give you a decent kiss." I groaned and I laughed at his reference to Arthur.
"You're killing me Blade."

"Well, in my defense that's pretty much what blades do."
He groaned again making me smile.
I ran my petite hand through his dark hair.
"If it's any consolation I'm not with him anymore."

He looked up at me frantically.
"What happened?"

"He broke up with me." I shrugged.

He visibly tensed.
"The nerve he has." He growled.

I didn't answer immediately and he nudged me.
I looked into those captivatingly beautiful eyes he had and he held my waist pulling me closer resting his forehead on mine.
"Because my Prince. When he was talking to him I was focusing my mind on someone else."

"Someone like who my Enchantdora?"

"Someone like you-"

I didn't even have enough time to complete my statement because the next thing I knew was that the soft, plump lips of Prince Damien Blaze came crashing down on mine.
I was stunned and he was desperate.
I couldn't move an inch of my body.

He pulled away.
"Kiss me back."
His eyes were like that of a tiger who had seen its prey.
And at that very moment.
Damien was the tiger, I was the prey.

He leaned in to kiss me again but I leaned backwards myself.
There are no words to describe the amount of hurt that was written all over his face.
"I'm sorry Damien."
I was swallowing the tears.
"I'm so, so sorry that I can't give you what you want."

"After I professed my love for you Bethany?"

I blinked.
"You did what?"

"God Bethany! You know for someone so intelligent and as wise as you are, you can be so dense sometimes."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"I am in love with you Bethany!" He exclaimed in pain.
"And I know and you know. We both know that and we know that you feel something for me too. Or are you denying that?"

"I'm not denying anything-"

"Then why can't you show me you love me?!" He shouted.
"Why?" He said quieter.
It was as if he was on the verge of tears.
"Why are you hurting not only me, but also yourself?"

I shook my head furiously.
"Because we cannot do this Damien! Why can't you  just reason with me?"

"Because I'm in pain!"

"That is not my fault." I said in defense and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Whose fault is it then?"
He scoffed.
"Surely it's impossible for me to fall in love with myself. So tell me Bethany. Whose fault is it?"

"I didn't ask you nor did I beg you nor did I force you to fall in love with me."

"Why can't you just let me in?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Because it's too dangerous Damien."

He ran his fingers through his dark hair in frustration.

"Had it been under different circumstances my Prince, I would have. But not now. Never now."

A tear dropped from his eye.
"My old man did warn me against falling in love. Now I realize that I ought to listen to him more often."

"Damien are you cry-"

"Forget it Bethany! You were right, it was lust, infatuation. And I'm wasting my time, our time on something that is not real."


He held up his hand.
"That's what I have to keep telling myself until it sticks."
He began walking away and I was fidgeting unaware of any words to say.
Until I thought about it.

"Kiss me."

He stopped in his tracks.
Didn't turn around.
But at least he stopped.
That was a good sign.

"You said that you'd only kiss me if I asked you to."
He still didn't turn around.
"And you have to."

"Why do I have to?" He asked still not turning around.

"Because you kissed me without permission the first time."

His shoulders bobbed up and down.
He was laughing.
That was when he finally turned around.
"There is no one like you Blade."
He strutted up to me and grabbed me by my waist.
"No one."

It was like heaven came down when Damien's lips landed onto mine.
I was going through the combustion process.
And this time I didn't hold back.
I kissed him with the same desperation he had but obviously his was more.
It was the most amazing experience I had ever had in my entire fifteen years of existence.
He fought for dominance and I gave it to him.
He was the tiger here.
And I was his prey.

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