Twenty Two

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I felt light bouncing off of my eyelids.
Fluttering them open like the wings of a butterfly I analyzed my surroundings.
I had been placed on a bed.
It wasn't my bed.
And this was certainly was not my home.
It was most definitely not anywhere I had every been before because if it was I would have recognized the place.
The thought made me jerk up.
Which I regretted immediately I did it.

I let out the most spine tingling, blood turning, bone crushing sound I had ever heard.
In one shrill scream.
I couldn't help it.
My body felt like it was run over by a twelve dozen carriages.
My bones felt shattered, my muscles were sore, my feet hurt worse than acupuncture looked, I felt pain in areas of my body that I didn't know that I had and to make matters absolutely worse I still had no idea where the bloody hell I was.

"Bethany!" Father and Lucinda screamed together running into the room I was.

They swarmed me like moths to a flame and checked every inch of my body.
"Are you ok?"

"Where does it hurt?"

"Do you need painkillers?"

"Would you like some water?"

"Should I brew you a cup of tea?"
They rang into my ears. I didn't even know who said what anymore.

"I'm fine." I said ending their panic. "My entire body just felt like it was rapidly hit by a sledgehammer."

Lucinda tsked.
"Connor did say that it was going to hurt when she came to."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Who's Connor?"

"I'm Connor." A male voice said from the door.
"And you're Bethany. Nice to see that you are awake."

He was quite handsome.
And quite familiar.
He had dark brown hair with blue eyes and he looked like he had a bit of muscle on him.
I looked around and saw yogurt.
A lot of yogurt.
In various flavors and ranging from sweetened and unsweetened.

"You're the boy from the he Farmer's market." I stated. "The one at the yogurt stand."

He smiled and nodded.
"At least someone recognizes my work. Yes, yes I am."

"But you're a wizard..." I said.

He reached into his leather boots and pulled out a wand.
I had never seen one in person.
They were made of different wood, had different cores, varied in length and some were flexible and some were not.
Even the flexibility levels varied.
"Correct again." He smiled but it went as soon as it came.
"Is there a problem with that?" He asked tilting his head to the side.
I could give him one thing, he was charming.

"I was just wondering why you'd be willing enough to house Enchantdors." I said with a shrug.

Damien walked in from a separate room. He looked well rested. We locked eyes but I turned my gaze away when Connor began speaking again.

"The same reason why you would house a Cani. Hospitality and besides even though his father says that only Enchantdors should be wiped out, one way or another my people would also go as well." He stated.

"Yes and instead of questioning our saving grace, why not appreciate him." Father suggested giving me a look.

"No, it's understandable. I don't mind." Connor said with a laugh.

"I agree." Damien piped up. "Why not learn to appreciate people Bethany?" He sent a cold glare my way.

I rolled my eyes.
Chess is a game for two my love.
I turned to Connor.
"You're right. That was very uncalled for and ungrateful of me. Thank you. Thank you Connor for helping a situation even though none of it was your fault."

"Of course he appreciates your thanks because he was just trying to help, since this whole thing is everyone's fault." Damien replied.

"Really? Well I don't believe it's everyone's fault. I believe that it is your fault." I spat.

He clenched his fists and closed his eyes.
When he opened them back I saw fire.
"You know what Bethany it is my fault. And I blame myself. I blame myself for disobeying my father, I blame myself for crossing the border, I blame myself for falling for you. And I am very, very sorry that I forced myself unto you Bethany. Please forgive me." He spat furiously.

I looked at him in shock, wide eyed and open mouthed.
I couldn't believe that he said that.
Especially not in front of everyone.

He scoffed.
"Maybe you were right. Maybe if I had stayed with all the beautiful women I was sleeping with, they would have shown me respect. They wouldn't blame me for what was not entirely my fault especially when they took part in it. You know what Blade. I agree with you and I lied to you, it is your fault. After all you lied to everyone whom you claimed to love. If I died right now, I would have nothing, absolutely nothing to lose. But you? You have a father, you have a mother figure. People who love you, you had a lover yet you can't find the space in your heart and in that thick skull of yours to be bloody appreciative. I would have envied you if I didn't pity you."
Tears, cold wet tears ran down the side of his face.
And mine.
And father's.
And surprisingly, Lucinda's.
He continued.
"So forgive me, forgive me for loving you." His voice cracked at the end.
"But I'd be damned Bethany if you ever find anyone who loves you more than I do. Who would be as willing as I am to sacrifice everything for you."
With that, he went back to the room he which he came from.

I closed my eyes.

Father cleared his throat.
"Now that we see that you are alright, we'll be taking our leave now. Lucinda, Connor let's go."

With that they left.

They all left.
They will all leave.
One by one.
Because I was so unbearable.
I was such a throbbing pain in the ass.

I've lost two people whom I loved.
And today makes a third.

Why was I so stupid.
Why couldn't I keep people close to me?
Why did I have to push everyone away.

I wanted nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

The door opened again.
It wasn't my father nor was it Lucinda.
To my greatest surprise, it was Connor.

"Hey." He said with a small smile.

"Hi." I replied back.

"Is it alright if I joined you?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

I nodded.

He made his way over to my and sat beside me.

"I know you don't know anything about me and I don't know anything about you." He started. "But, I just wanted to know if you want to talk about it."

I was touched that he was concerned about someone who was ungrateful for what he did and also someone whom he only knew by name.
But being the ungrateful and stubborn person I was, I pretended to be clueless.

"It?" I asked. "What's it? I have nothing to talk ab-"

"I'm not blind." He said cutting me off. "And I am most certainly not stupid."

I sighed.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked him.

He nodded.
"I do."

Then I began to tell him everything.
Hello Blac nation!
What is freaking up right now?
Ta-da! It was the boy from the Farmer's market.
The one who was acting all weird when Betty needed to buy yogurt.
Poor Damien, poor Bethany.
They're relationship is breaking.
(Laughs like the Joker)
I know I'm such a wonderful person.
See you in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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