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It couldn't be.
I wasn't even gone for two complete days and this… this happens.
Damien and I were at the border well, across the border considering the fact that there was nothing left of it.
And my village… it was all gone.
It was hard to breathe in the environment with all the wood shavings dust and smoke from the fires that hadn't been put out yet.
The only thing that was audible was the sound of sobbing, crying, pain, fear. The list goes on.
Nothing but pure sorrow.
And the scent…
Never in my life have I smelt or seen so much blood before.
The whole situation was right out of an apocalyptic world.

"Father…" Those were the only words I could make out.

"Bethany what are you-"

"Father!" I yelled out and took off running.

"Bethany!" Damien called and when I didn't stop he swore and began running after me.

I passed house upon house and the all seemed to blur because of my tears and if I didn't stop crying there would be a chance that I would pass my own house.

"Bethany!" Damien continued to call from behind.
I didn't listen.

When I finally reached my house I ran up the porch and opened the door.
At least it was still in one piece.

"Crystal levicous!" Someone said and I began to levitate in the air.

The person stepped out.
It was Lucinda.

"Bethany…" She said with tears in her eyes before setting me down gently.
She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"How did you manage to escape?"

"I had some help." I said as Damien walked in.

Lucinda shrieked and covered her mouth with her hand.
"What's he doing here?!"

"We wouldn't be here if someone hadn't decided that it's best to put ourselves in danger and run into fire." He muttered rolling his eyes.

"Lucinda?" It was father's voice.
Never again did I think I would hear that voice.
He came into presence.
And never again did I think I would see his face.
He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"I was so scared. I thought they would slaughter you like a ram. I was looking for a way to get you out."
He looked at Damien.
"And you've brought company."

"Father I'd like to introduce you to Prince Damien Elijah Blaze. He's the one that helped me escape."

In response Damien bowed.
So he has manners? Who could've thought?
"It's an honor to meet you sir."

"Bethany. I do not approve of this."

"Because he's a Cani? Father had he been anybody else you wouldn't have complained. You talk to Madame Dew. You have tea with her. Isn't she a witch? She's part of the people who took over our Kingdom, that took out freedom."

Father sighed softly.
"Yes Bethany I understand that but I don't trust him. Had he been anyone else's son maybe but the Emir? No Bethany I'm sorry."

"Sir?" Damien said.
"My so called father who happens to be the godforsaken Emir of the Cani clan," He started which got him surprised looks from my father and Lucinda.
"He's nothing but a selfish, self-centered murderer. He killed my mother and you suppose I should stay loyal to a devil incarnate like him. No. I know you don't trust me but look at all the trouble and problems I've gone through just to get to your daughter. I've broken countless rules to which I should have been put to death for if not for the prejudice of the Sanhindrin. I've brought dishonor to my father's name and disobeyed him all because of a girl."
He turned to me and looked into my eyes while continuing what he was saying without taking his eyes off me.
"My girl. Mr.Wills I Prince Damien Elijah Blaze am in love with your daughter, I'm obsessed with her. She's the only thing that occupies my brain. She didn't throw herself at me like most women would do, instead she made me chase her and hunt her down."
He sighed and looked back to my father who was in tears.
"But you're her father. And if you don't accept our relationship then I respect your decision. At least one parent should approve."

My father didn't say anything.
Instead he crossed his arms.

Damien sighed in defeat and turned to me.
"I better head back to my castle and face the wrath of my father for throwing balls of fire at him." He laughed but I saw the tears in his eyes. He kissed the top of my head.
"I'll always love you Bethany. I'll always be in love with you. I'll never forget you my Blade. I promise."
He turned to look at my father and Lucinda.
"It was a pleasure meeting you sir and madam. I best be on my way now."
He turned back to me and took my hand. Placing something cold into it.
"For you my love." He whispered tears running down his face.
Then he turned and began to leave through the front door.

"Stop." A voice said. Father's voice said.
"Don't leave."

Damien turned to look at him.

"Clearly, Prince Elijah you have gone through hell to get my daughter who happens to be a forty year old politician in the body of a fifteen year old. And clearly she herself has gone against and broken every single one of my rules. And that shows there's nothing but genuine love between the both of you regardless of your backgrounds. So, I'll allow it."

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded.

I squealed like a little girl and Damien hugged me.
"You see," He told me.
"All we needed was a little faith."

But not everyone was happy about my relationship with Damien.

"Arthur?" Lucinda called.

My father turned to her.
"Can we have a word in the kitchen for a moment?"

"Of course."

I told Damien that I would be back and silently followed them.

"Have you gone mad?" Lucinda asked.

"I beg your pardon?" Father asked in reply.

"How can you allow your daughter to be romantically involved with the boy who killed my son?"

"Damien didn't kill Arthur."

"But he's the cause."

"No Lucinda. He's not. Whether or not the Prince was present or not Arthur would still have been killed for your inability to teach him how to control his anger."

"I don't think it's appropriate for you to allow your daughter to-"

"That's why she's my daughter. Your not her mother Lucinda."
What up Blac nation?!
OK, I know short chapter but I needed Damien and Bethany to be allowed to get together and for the village to be in shambles.
What's up with Lucinda?
Keep reading.

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