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Someone was shaking me awake.
"Wake up you muppet."
Damien. Only he would call me a muppet.

"What is it?"

"Just wake the bloody hell up."

I shot up quite annoyed that despite everything I had been through I was still not allowed to sleep in peace.

"I'm up. What?"

Damien looked at me annoyed.
"Come see for yourself."
"I know my son is in there!"
An angry voice roared from the outside.

My eyes grew wide with both feet and surprise.
"Isn't that -"

"Yeah it is." Damien said coldly.

"What is he doing here?"

"I wish I knew the answer to that question."

The Emir himself.
Dmitri Blaze.
Was once again right at my door step in the Enchantdor Kingdom.
What now?

"You see Malcolm, see what I told you? The boy has paved way for his father to harm us."
Lucinda said.

"Damien would never do such a thing." I said defending him.

"Oh Betty would you give it a rest already. You are so naive." Lucinda responded in a heated manner.

"Lucinda." Father called in a stern voice.
"I believe I told you yesterday that the relationship which my daughter has with Damien Blaze is none of your business."

Lucinda remained quiet after that.
But the glint of anger in her eyes couldn't be missed by a blind person.
It was as though I had began to see auras because of the dark clouds surrounding her.
I could visibly see the rage running through her veins.
She looked terrifying none to say the least.

Father opened the door.
"Emir Dmitri. How can I help you?"

The Emir narrowed his eyes at my father and turned away his nose in disgust.
Then he turned his gaze to his son.
"Damien do you see what you have caused? Now these people believe that they are on the same level as we. Forgetting that they are nothing but a thorn in our flesh. Come Damien, let's get to safety."

Damien scoffed.
"Now father do you really and truly believe that I would go anywhere willingly with you? That's like handing you the spear you'll use to kill me off like you did my mother."

There were gasps everywhere.
I looked up at Damien in disbelief.
And the Emir looked like he would truly put a spear through his son.

The he laughed.
He laughed the laugh of a maniac.
Nothing but spite filled his laugh.
Like he was mocking Damien for believing that everyone knowing what he did would change the fact that he was in power.

"Damien my son I pity you. For you know not what you have done."

The Emir faced his men.
"Yes I Emir Dmitri Blaze killed off my mistress. And I'll be damned if I don't do same to anyone of you that decides to double cross me.
Now, I am the Emir and this is my decree: I decree that whatsoever unfortunate chain of events that may befall upon these abominable creatures shall befall my son, Prince Damien Elijah Blaze. He should not be spared regardless. And if anyone is caught granting him or any Enchantdor favor he shall join my mistress in my furnace."

I looked up at Damien who offered me a cold, sad smile.

"Damien maybe you should go with your father."
My father suggested and as much as I didn't want Damien to leave me. I had to agree with him. The conditions given by the Emir for Damien to remain with me were nothing but brutal. It only shows how callus of a man the Emir is, going as far as putting your own child to death.

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