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It was Father.

"Yes, do come in." I say not leaving the window.

"Breakfast is ready." He tells me.

"Okay, I'll be down in a few."

"Bethany what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just thinking." I say turning around to face him.

"Well my darling," He says walking up and putting his arm around me.
"Now is not a time to think, now is for eating, breakfast." He places a kiss on my forehead.

I nod.

He gives me a small smile and leaves without another word.

I turn back to the window and Damien's not there anymore instead I hear a rustling in the woods and see two green balls of fire.

"Don't get yourself killed because of me prince…"

Father and I ate a breakfast consisting of eggs, bread, cheese, butter and bacon.

"I suspect," Father started breaking the silence.
"That it's Prince Damien who's up to this."

I choke at the sound of Damien's name.

"Because he's only the most rebellious of the Emir's sons, never agreeing with the will of his father."

"Oh." I say taking a sip of my tea.

"And rumor has it that he was once in a relationship with a young witch and when the Emir found out he had her head on his wall."

"Wow, that's pretty good information."

"And would that be good information?"

"Because, well you see, it's good because now I get to warn other Enchantdoras like myself about him."

"I'm so happy with the fact that I've got such a brilliant daughter." He gets up and kisses my head.
"I've got an appointment with Madame Dew so I'll see you in a while."

He closes the door behind him and I lock it with the padlock.
This time whether it's a cute, sweet and short tempered lanky boy or it's a charming, cocky and muscular prince, I'm not opening the door.

I tread upstairs and find myself instead of going to my bedroom, but to the room where father keeps all of mother's things.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Woah!" I gasp.
I'd never been in here before, father never let me, thought it was to traumatic for me.

It consisted of all her things, including her sewing machine. Mother was a seamstress. Made the most beautiful gowns is laid my eyes on, gowns that the witches themselves wore.
I took a picture of hers out of a box.

But not as beautiful as her…

Mother was the most beautiful woman you could ever lay your eyes on.
So beautiful that even warlocks wanted her hand in marriage.
With her brown tresses, violet eyes, full pink lips.
Mother was like a craftsman's doll. Made with care and detail.
Dad says that I look just like her but he couldn't be more wrong she was a thousand times more beautiful than I could ever dream to be.
I miss her so much…
But no one not even me missed her as much ad father did.
She was after all, the love of his life. His soul mate, best friend and better half. She was the flesh of his bone.
Mother was the most rebellious person that I've ever met, she hated playing by the rules. In fact she hated rules in general.
She was brave, talked to the wizards like they were nothing. She used to tell me to stand up for myself and what I believed in because;
“You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take…”
That was what my mother would tell me every time. If I had a pound for each time I've heard it from her mouth I wouldn't know how much I would have because I always heard it from her mouth.
It didn't even have to be me, it could be father, anyone really. It was like she said it to everyone she had an encounter with.
Mother was ruthless.
She never backed down. It was one of the reasons she ever had the courage to slap a witch.
I'd never admired someone nor aspired to be like anyone as much as mother.
There was only one perfect person on this earth, it was mother; Veronica Field-Wills.
And she was gone.

I looked down at the picture I held of her, it was all of us, happy but unfortunately it's over. I suppose it's true that nothing lasts forever.
I know that she would have to go at some point but, this was too early.
And although Lucinda was another figure in my life, I wanted my own mother.

Mother was attentive and accepting.
I would have told her about Damien and she would have advised me and been proud of my courage to talk to a Cani, the prince even, and if anything were to go wrong, she would've had my back no matter what.
Even if death was involved.
Just like Prince Cocky she didn't fear death, she always talked about it like it was an everyday event.
And just last year she found it happening to herself.

"Why did you leave mother?"
I hugged the picture to my chest and felt water splash on it, unaware that I was crying until I touched my face.
"You would have been able to help me with the mess I created with a charming devil."

"Betty darling, come help me in the kitchen while your father's away." Mother had just arrived from her appointment with Madame Dew.

I practically raced down from my room to meet her and wrapped my arms around her when I got to the kitchen making her stumble backwards in laughter.
Her laugh…
That was probably the most beautiful thing about her. Aside from her over all beauty of course.

"What are we making today mother?" I ask tying an apron around my waist.

"Key lime meringue pie."
Key lime meringue pie was her favorite. It was the only thing she craved for while pregnant with me.
She was already hard at work kneeing the dough for the crust but she looked too serious for my liking, so I decided to have a bit of fun.

"Betty!" She exclaimed as soon as a fist full of flour hit the side of her face.

I held in a laugh.

"Oh, so you think this is funny? You're getting a real kick out of this." She furrowed her eyebrows in faux anger.

"You could even say it was tickling my fan-"
But she didn't give me the chance to finish by throwing flour directly into my mouth.

She didn't even bother holding her laugh.
"You should really see the look on your face."

"I see you like to play dirty." I say pouring the flour on her hair.

Then we broke into a baking flour war. Until it was settled by father who said the Enchantdora with the least about of flour in her hair would get to have the biggest slice of pie.

Mom would always win but give me her slice anyway. Saying that if she wanted to she would bake a whole pie for herself.

I suppose this is how life plays it's sick, twisted game.
When you're the most happy, it breaks it.
Out of all things to take, it just had to be my mother's life.
As if giving our home to the Wizards wasn't enough.
My mother's life…

Life 2 - Bethany 0


Hey Blacs,
So hope you enjoyed this chapter,
Basically it's about Bethany's mom,  Veronica.
I wrote it mostly because it's a change from all the boy drama I've been mostly writing about and also because, yes the woman is dead.
But I figured that she should at least talk about it so the least I could do was dedicate a whole chapter to her.
So yeah, that's about it.
Don't forget to vote (need those a lot), comment, share and follow.
Love y'all.

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