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The pounding on the front door was quite similar to the one in my head.
I opened my eyes and found myself in a place that I was not familiar with.
I looked down to see the picture of mother and realized that I was still in her room.


Oh no, I'd left father outside.
I stand up and make sure the room looms untouched and race down the stairs to let my father in.

"Want to leave me here to freeze I see."
It wasn't father, it was Arthur.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your father sent me here, something about you being lonely and missing my lips."

I hit his shoulder.
"My father would never say that King."

"Okay fine maybe I added that last part."

I smile.
"Just come in weirdo."

Arthur closes the door behind him and slowly walks towards me.

"You know Costa told me about the encounter the two of you had at the farmer's market."

"Really?" I say with fake amusement.

"Yeah." He placed his hands on my waist.
"You really need to tame that mouth of yours."

"Unfortunately I haven't got anyone to do that for me."

"Let me assist." He places his lips on mine. Wilder and harsher than usual with a burning desire.
A side Arthur has never shown before.

My knees get wobbly and I guide him gently to the couch and pull him to sit.

He rests his back against the couch and pulls me on top of his laps with both my legs on either side of him.
"Is that better Goldy?" He asks against my lips.

I nod not wanting to break the kiss.
There's a tap on the window and Arthur pulls away.
"Is it you're father?"

I look and see two fiery green eyes staring at me with a blank expression, before disappearing.

"Nope, it's not him."

"Ruined the moment didn't I?"

"No, no you did not." I say glancing over at the window.
Someone else took the liberty of doing that…

There's a knock on the door.
What now?
"Bethany!" Father chimes.
Now he comes.

I sigh, climb off Arthur and unlock the door.
"Hello darling." He says kissing my forehead.
"You were busy." Father says regarding my disheveled look.

I look down at my shoes feeling hot and father simply laughs.
"Well done Arthur, you have indeed kept her company."
Father said going into the kitchen.

Arthur stood up.
"I think I should go now."
He turns to the kitchen.
"Goodnight sir."

"Bye son."

Arthur turned to me and holds my waist.
"Between you and I, we know we have unfinished business to take care of."
He kisses my cheek.
"Take care of yourself Goldilocks."

"I see you and Arthur are getting serious."

I nod trying to fight a blush.

"When did he ask you?"

"Two days ago."

"That's nice. I told you he likes you too."

I glance to the kitchen and see two green fire balls.

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