Author's Note

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Hey team- this is my first story on Wattpad- and my first ever Roadtrip story.

I'm a screenwriter and love writing a bit of fanfic between scripts to sort of warm up my brain and keep the fun in writing. Plus I think it's actually an amazing creative outlet, not to mention a great healthy way to explore your fantasies when it comes to the erotic side of it! My previous fanfic writing experience has all been Harry Potter- and this feels a little strange for me as it's my first time writing about real people who actually exist. I hope the boys are okay with this stuff 😂

But basically, I discovered RT not that long ago and really fell in love with their personalities and whole dynamic as a band and after reading a few really sick fics on here decided to try my hand at writing about them. 

Of course I had to start out with Randy, the ultimate ship, but do expect to see other ships in the story. The aim for this first one is to keep the characters all as true to 'canon' as possible- i.e how it might actually look (in my brain at least) if the real Rye and Andy were to fall in love. But if this goes well I might dive into some crazier stuff later on.

I have no idea if this will get any reads but I'm here for fun. Please comment and vote if you like the story! 

Much love xx

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