chapter nineteen | hidden

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"Can I wear your hoodie?" I asked innocently as I watched Rye get dressed, still snuggled in his bed. He was wandering around his room shirtless, unable to make a decision. I was in no hurry for him to make one. 

Rye shot me a look. "Andy, the boys might ask-"

"We share clothes all the time," I reminded him. 

"True," he sighed, "here." He threw me his salmon Champion hoodie that he'd been wearing yesterday. I wrapped myself up in it, loving how his smell surrounded me instantly as I wore it. "They definitely will be asking questions if you keep shoving your nose in it like that." Rye pointed out.

I flushed. "Sorry, I like your smell," I told him bashfully. 

Rye smirked and walked over to me, still shirtless. He grabbed my face between both his hands, squeezing my cheeks. "You are so..." he trailed off, butting foreheads with me softly.

"No, go on, finish that sentence," I coerced.

Rye didn't meet my eye, instead moving his lips gently down until they touched my neck. "Can I do this instead?" he asked, lighting sucking on the sensitive skin.

I gasped a little, but didn't give in. "No. Tell me what I am."

"You are sexy," he growled, nipping at the soft skin. An involuntary little moan escaped my lips. 

"And?" I prompted breathlessly.

"And adorable?" he tried, skimming his nose over my face, pressing a kiss into my dimple.

"Anything else?" I teased.

"And you're mine. Just mine." he smiled, kissing my nose lightly.

My face spread into a grin. "Really?"

"Of course, baby," he replied goofily. I loved how easily he said those words, like they were obvious. It had taken him three months to legitimise his last relationship. 

"Good. Kiss me then," I commanded. He complied instantly, pulling me in by the neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him tighter into me as our lips worked against each other. Unable to help myself, I trailed a line of kisses over his jaw, drowning in the smooth scent of his aftershave.

 Rye let out a sigh when I buried myself into his neck. I smiled into the skin, it was exciting to find these little turn ons of Rye's- each one felt like learning a thrilling new secret about the person I already knew better than anyone. I sucked on the sensitive spot, feeling satisfied when Rye moaned again, gripping onto me tighter.

"Careful, you're gonna leave a mark," he warned, but tilted his head anyway to expose more skin to me. 

"Rye?" Mikey called from down the hallway. We jumped apart just in time before the door flew open. Mikey acknowledged me with a look of confusion. 

"What's up, bro?" Rye asked too casually, still a little breathless. My eyes were glued to his neck, bugging slightly as I watched a bruise form in real time from where I had bitten him. 

"Uh, we need to head to studio in five. So maybe put a shirt on?" Mikey suggested. His eyes then travelled to me, looking me up and down, "and you may need to find some pants, Fovvs." I blushed, remembering I only had underwear on beneath Rye's hoodie. 

"Alright, we'll be there," I assured Mikey, hopping off the bed and sauntering over to my room before further questions could be asked. Luckily, Rye's hoodie was big enough on me to cover the bulge in my boxers. 


Rye: You dick!!!!!

I frowned at Rye across the room from my usual spot on the studio couch when the message popped up on my phone. He was glaring at me, looking more funny than intimidating with his yellow hood pulled tautly around his face, only his glasses peeking through the gap. 

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