chapter ten | share

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We didn't say much on the ride into London. Rye had a one handed grip on the steering wheel, the other lazily tapping along to the beat of the stereo. He had The Beatles blasting, and one of the peppy tunes taunted me.

'Listen, do you want to know a secret?'

"Doo da doo," Rye hummed along. 

'...Say the words you long to hear

I'm in love with you.'

I was back to being paranoid, because it was almost like he was doing it on purpose. Dangling a carrot in front of me then snatching it away. I wouldn't let myself forget that despite the day we had together, he was still taken, he was still straight and I was still nothing more than a hopeless fool so head over heels for him that I let him drag me along to his girlfriend's party. For what I had attributed to be harmless crush, this feeling really sucked. 

Just as I began wondering if it was too late to throw myself out of this vehicle and make my way home- because maybe it wasn't worth putting myself through this again, not now when I was so vulnerable and could still feel the shadow of his arms encircling me- we pulled up beneath a fancy looking apartment building. 

I was stunned as a valet took Rye's keys and we were ushered through a decadent lobby towards an elevator. We exchanged sheepish looks, both feeling underdressed.

"I thought this was a chill thing with her cast-mates?" I accused as the floor numbers ticked higher and higher, heading for the penthouse.

"So did I! Apparently her director is better off than I realised." 

I didn't have time to snipe at him again because the doors opened to reveal an expensive looking room filled with beautiful expensive looking people. By the sheer number of guests, it was clear there was more than just cast present here.

It took some time to find Kylie amongst the crowd, but when we did she was looking stunning as ever in a sparkly low cut dress, and her face lit up at the sight of us both. 

"Rye! Andy!" she squeaked, waving to us with her flute glass of champagne. She greeted us both elegantly with a kiss, Rye on the lips and me on the cheek, then hurried to introduce us both to her fellow actors.

Through conversation we discovered the party was more of a sponsors event, and the younger cast members felt as out of place in the setting as we did. Most had opted to take advantage of the fast flowing free alcohol that was making the rounds of the room on silver trays, and I was more than happy to comply with that. Funnily enough, before Rye met Kylie I had been a pretty light drinker, never wanting to let myself sink too deeply into any vice. Now I simply used it to replace my more dangerous addiction- Ryan Beaumont.     

As I was used to by now, the euphoric drunken feelings washed over me, numbing my heartache, easing my overactive paranoia, and allowing me to have something close to fun. I caught Rye's eye as a cheeky grin spread across his face. He pulled Kylie and I close to him so he could whisper to us. 

"What would you two say to a bit of an explore in this place?" his eyes glinted with mischief. It was adorable. 

My answer was immediate. After knowing him for close to five years, I would never turn down one of his adventures. "Brilliant idea," I smirked back at him. 

Kylie popped her head up and looked around cautiously, as if checking if anyone who could fire her was within earshot. "Fuck it," she said when she came back down, "let's do it."

We snuck off together through an ornate door, leaving oblivious party guests in our wake. 

We found ourselves in an enormous kitchen filled with caterers and waiters. When a waiter looked our way suspiciously, Kylie and I giggled, ready to accept we'd been caught out, but Rye had other ideas. 

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