chapter twenty-six | boyfriend

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We rested in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Although both satisfied, neither of us was willing to disconnect from our tangled embrace. Rye stayed inside me, body covering mine as I held him, short breaths resuming a normal rhythm in sync with one another. I felt like we were one person, connected on every level; physical, emotional and spiritual. All the noise of the outside world was completely drowned out. We were the only people that existed. 

Eventually, naturally, he slipped out of me, and left briefly to find a cloth to clean us both up. I had expected I would be reeling from the new experience, or feel different somehow, like losing my virginity all over again, but I was calm. There was no doubt in my mind that what had happened between us was meant to, and it was beautiful. 

We settled into a cuddle again, just stroking and kissing and admiring each other. Both of us smiling like idiots, in love in that giddy way that makes you want to do cringey romantic things and not care. I told him how happy I was, and he whispered all the things he loved about me in my ear, making me love him back harder than I even thought was possible. 

"Are you hungry?" Rye asked me after a while. I realised it had been a long time since I ate, I was previously too distracted to notice my rumbling stomach. 

"Starving," I answered, and we proceded to order a stupid amount of breakfast food from the room service menu. 

As we sat on the hotel bed, surrounded by piles of bacon, eggs, sausages, and pancakes, we talked about our time apart. 

"I just started getting drunk at night to try and distract myself," Rye confessed, "it wasn't the best plan admittedly, but it was the only way I could stop stressing about you and the boys and my family and everything. "

"I couldn't sleep at all," I told him in return, "I was like a zombie. I even had to get Brooklyn to spoon me one time just so I could get a tiny bit of rest."

"Brooklyn, huh?" Rye growled.

"You sound jealous," I teased.

"Maybe I am," he said without shame, shoving more food into his mouth, "I wanna be the only guy you sleep with."

I grinned at him, the soreness in my lower region reminding me just how accurate that was. "Believe me, you are." 

He smiled back, mind clearly in the same place as mine. "Good," he gestured up and down my body with his fork, "save this for your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? That's still what you want?" I questioned nervously. That was, after all, the determination he had been sent away to make. 

Rye looked down, "I won't lie to you, Andy, there's stuff about the future that really scares me," he met my eyes again, completely sincere, "but of course it's what I want. As long as I get to be with you I don't care. We can figure that stuff out. I mean it clearly sucks way more to not be with you." 

I exhaled my relief. "Yeah it does. We can take it one step at a time."

"Sounds good to me," he agreed. 

"So are you ready to come home now?" I asked him hopefully.

"God yeah," he replied, scarfing down a final mouthful of food so he could put his plate to the side, signifying he was ready to leave immediately. "Could we make a stop on the way first?"


As promised, before we headed off I gave Mikey a call, letting him know Rye was safe and sound, on his way home, and still in love with me. 

"Yes my son!" Mikey whisper-screamed down the phone. 

"I'll see you soon," I laughed, hanging up to join Rye in the car. Once inside, I grasped Rye's hand, pulling him in towards me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked with my face close to his, heart fluttering with nerves. 

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