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I woke up, stretching out along my baby's body, in love with the feeling of him curled against me in his sleep. He looked so peaceful, somehow even more beautiful than usual as he rested against my chest, the morning light catching in his hair. 

"Fovvs baby?" I whispered, running my hand through his fluffy blond locks, knowing we had to wake soon. He grumbled against me, nuzzling further into my warmth. His sleepy protests were so damn adorable I nearly gave in. But we had to be in the studio in a couple of hours, it being the first day of recording for our debut album, so I began to gently wake him in the only way I knew would be effective.

Shifting down the bed so I was level with him, I began to place light kisses across his face, beginning delicately on his eyelids, then progressing over his sharp cheekbones. I smiled in satisfaction when I reached the corner of his mouth and heard him hum in contentment. When I gently pushed against his lips with mine, I felt him move in response, knowing he was finally awake.

"There he is," I chuckled when we pulled away for breath, pecking him a few more times. 

"Morning," Andy mumbled, relenting defeat. 

"I'm gonna grab a shower," I informed, choosing to roll over Andy's body with my full weight to get out of bed instead of walking around from my side. I grinned to myself as the contact caused him to groan a little, cockily enjoying the effect I had on him. 

Stepping into the bathroom, I removed my boxers and entered the shower, letting the warm water hit me, refreshing and waking me up fully for the day ahead. The shower door opened and I felt another body lean heavily against mine, lips against my shoulder. 

"You can't fall asleep again in here," I teased him, turning around and putting a hand under his chin to tilt up his drooping head. His beautiful ocean eyes were half-lidded, still sparkling even though he was sleepy.  

"Help me wake up then," Andy sassed, a suggestive hint in his tone. His blue eyes burned into mine. 

Happy to oblige, I ran my hands over his gorgeous small body, feeling Andy shiver under my touch. I trailed my hand down to hover just below his bellybutton.

"What do you want?" I asked, already excited by the sexy little noises that were beginning to escape his lips as I touched him. 

"You." Andy hummed, perching up on tiptoes to kiss me softly. I let my hand fall lower between us until I could feel his cock hardening in my hand. 

I began to stroke as I kissed Andy languidly, taking my time to taste him, running my tongue over his lips and all over his mouth. Andy moaned, arching into me as his own tongue began to twist with mine. Soon he reached his hand down to join mine, grasping my already hard dick, beginning to jerk me off at the same time as I was him. 

Sometimes it still weirded me out a little, the idea that my best mate Andy was touching my cock right now, moaning into my mouth, sending gut-wrenching butterflies fluttering wildly throughout me- but that was only because it was something I had never thought would happen. It was weird but hot, exciting, and completely perfect. 

By the time Andy exploded against my stomach, I was pretty sure he was finally properly awake, because his eyes opened wide as he cried out my name. The sight of my baby coming undone in my hands drove me to my edge, and I bit down on his neck as my cock twitched out my orgasm. Andy sighed, wrapping his arms tighter around me, and we rocked like that together as the remnants of our morning passion trickled down the drain. 

Towelling off, I reentered our room, still not fully recognising the space around me. Since Andy had moved in it had become completely different to how it used to be. It was comfier, more homely- more him. Getting rid of the home-built wooden stilts had been a dirty battle, but I had to admit I liked it much better this way. 

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