chapter five | game

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A/N: If you're waiting for action, hang in there, it's gonna be a slow build. This is the struggle of trying to write them semi-realistically ('straight' boy feelings, ugh 🙄). But stick around to the end of this chapter for a little tease of what's to come...

I wish I hadn't chosen to sit behind Rye and Kylie. 

The result of this decision was that I had paid zero attention to the film on the projector- genuinely couldn't even name the title at this point- and had spent the entire hour with my eyes fixed on the shadowy outlines of the backs of their heads. 

They'd started out casual, just sitting side by side not touching. Then, roughly fifteen minutes in she had repositioned herself so their legs were touching. Minute twenty, Rye had scooted a little closer. Half an hour in and his arm was around the back of the couch behind her. Now, they were properly cuddling, his arm over her shoulders, her hand on his chest, face snuggled into his side. 

It might have been quite cute to observe if I wasn't looking through the eyes of an obsessively jealous stalker. But alas, here I was, alone with only them in my thoughts, forced to come to terms with a few things. 

The first thing was that, yes, I was in fact jealous. I couldn't say what sparked it all of a sudden, or whether these emotions had been building for months- years even. All I knew was that I didn't like it when she touched him. I didn't know if this meant I wanted Rye in the same way she had him, I still found the idea of myself with a guy weird. But there was no longer any denying the possessive rage that curled inside me, not after mere snuggle made my blood boil. 

The other thing I realised, sadly, was that I missed him. I know I had seen him every day, but the lack of affection and the coldness separating us had done more of a number on my mood than I realised. I felt starved of him, like there was an empty hole aching inside me.

Rye's head turned to look at me and I- not quickly enough- flicked my gaze up to the screen for the first time since the movie began. 

"Andy, are you bored?" he whispered.

"Yeah, a little," I lied, but grateful for the potential excuse to remove myself from the situation. Maybe this was Rye's way of hinting to me he wanted some alone time with Kylie.

"It is a bit dull, isn't it?" Kylie agreed, yawning and stretching on Rye, "I almost fell asleep."

"Yeah it is," said Rye, "so I was thinking... we could make it more fun?" His cheeky smirk after that line sent my mind to places I had to rapidly retreat from.

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously. Kylie was also looking at him in confusion. I wondered if her mind was at the same place mine was. 

"We could turn the film into a drinking game?" Rye suggested, "I do have a bottle of jack in my room still."

The idea intrigued me. As much as I wanted to leave this situation, getting drunk might be an okay distraction. It had the added bonus of allowing me to continue spending time with Rye, which to my chagrin, I still craved.

"You know what, that's not a bad plan, Ryan," I grinned at him. He grinned back, happy to have my approval. 

"That should wake me up," Kylie laughed, "let's do it!"

"I'll get the bottle," said Rye, getting up. 

"I'll grab shot glasses," I offered, jumping up too. We left the room and went our separate ways. 

In the kitchen, I found Brooklyn and Jack eating dinner and chatting. Brook, for reasons apparent, looked his usual happy self again. Jack's eagle eyes caught me grabbing shot glasses out of the cabinet.

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