chapter nine | sheets

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I woke up to arms and legs everywhere. We were so tangled it was disorienting, I couldn't tell where one of us ended and the other began. I loved it.

Rye's body was still flush against mine and instinctively in my half awake state I pushed myself further back into him, craving more of this rare closeness. My heart sighed as sleeping Rye responded, gripping me tighter to hold me in place, resting his lips gently on the back of my neck, sending sparks through my nervous system. I had never been so cosy and soft in my life.

When I felt something distinctly not soft, my eyes fluttered open in shock.

I didn't have a moment to process what was going on, because my now open eyes landed on Kylie. She was pulling on a jumper- her own, shockingly- over her bra. She noticed me.

"Sorry, Andy, did I wake you?" she whispered.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, confused.

"You two look so cute together like that," she smiled as my confusion deepened.

"Are you going?" I asked her as she crept over to us. I prayed she didn't pull back the covers.

"Yeah, I have play rehearsals today. Say bye to Rye for me." She leant down then, surprised me by lightly kissing my cheek, stroking Rye's hair as she did so. Then she left, none the wiser that her not-yet-official boyfriend's boner was pressed against my ass.

Once she left I stayed frozen, not moving a muscle. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stand the thought that his morning wood made me excited, not when I was terrified he would wake up at any moment and all of that weirdness would come crashing down on us. You weren't supposed to be okay with your bro's hard dick up against you.

But then again, I couldn't help but entertain the thought... he fell asleep holding me. Maybe it was me his body was responding to? Could it be possible that his brain contained some of the same fantasies as mine?

Then I reminded myself I wasn't the only one to share his bed last night. His subconscious probably thought I was Kylie. When sleepy Rye made a little moaning noise accompanied by a movement that thrusted him further towards the danger zone, I swiftly made my decision.

Gently as I could, I wormed my way out of his tight embrace, shuffling my body over to the edge of the bed. I clearly wasn't gentle enough because Rye flopped hard onto his back.

"Andy?" He murmured, his eyes flicking open.

"Morning Ryan," I replied with a fake yawn, casual as possible. I couldn't tell if he had noticed his 'situation' yet.

"What time is it?" he asked, stretching.

I glanced at my phone on the floor. "Only seven-thirty. Kylie just left for her rehearsal."

"Oh, right, yeah," he answered, as if he'd forgotten she'd even been here overnight at all. He rolled towards me and reached out an arm as if to pull me back into our embrace. For a second it felt so natural, waking up with him and being pulled into a cuddle. Then he hesitated and rolled back. Ah. He must have finally clocked his downstairs dilemma.

Trying to help him out as best I could so as to not make the situation awkward, I closed my eyes again, pretending I was falling back to sleep.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Rye mumbled, as I felt the covers shift around me and his weight leave the bed.

Fuck. What was going on? I wasn't sure whether to stay or go. If I left, he might catch on that I knew something was amiss. He might be embarrassed. It was probably best I stayed. It helped that the sheets smelt deliciously like him, and I felt so comfortable the thought of moving was unbearable.

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