chapter fifteen | complications

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Kissing Rye felt like coming home. We may have been in an unfamiliar place trekking uncharted territory, but so long as I was wrapped around him with his lips hungrily tracing my own, I was exactly where I needed to be. 

Rye and I pulled apart, breathless, heartbeats thrumming relentlessly in the silent hotel room. 

"Are you okay?" I whispered, still abuzz with nerves.

"Yeah," he breathed, "you?" 

"I'm okay," I told him, placing my hand lightly on the side of his face. I couldn't believe that this moment was real, that it was really him I was touching. He captured my wrist in his hand and delicately kissed each of my fingers, as if he too needed confirmation that I was really here with him. 

When his faced leaned into mine again I couldn't help but double check. "Is this what you want?" I breathed my doubts into the near non-existent space between us. 

He answered me by capturing my lips again, this time with a new zeal. His passion answered my question better than any words could have assured me. So I let myself go.  

I kissed him back with a fervour as powerful as his, making a duel of desire. When Rye sucked on my lower lip again I couldn't help but roll my hips needily against him, and the grind of our underwear-clad bodies caused a low moan to tremble from his throat. My briefs tightened instantly at the sound. 

Rye's hand traced down my body, leaving a trail of sparks on my skin as he went. His grip landed around the back of my thigh and hitched my leg up over his hip, pulling our bodies impossibly closer in the process. With our fronts now flush together, our shared arousal was unmissable. It was a completely new feeling for me, to be hard up against another boy, and god it did things to me. I was hazy with desire in a way I had never experienced before, in a way I had definitely never expected to feel with my best friend. 

A stirring from the other side of the room caused us to jump apart. Fuck. Mikey. I felt my head rush as the outside world tumbled back in around me. 

Rye and I exchanged wide eyed looks, both of us momentarily convinced he must have heard us engaging in a very more than friendly make out session, and neither of us breathed as we braced ourselves for an explosion from the single bed. 

When none came, and the sound of Mikey's light snores resumed its rhythm, we let out a shared sigh of relief. I rolled my face into my pillow, letting out a muffled groan.

"Oh God," I whispered as Rye chuckled deliriously into the crook of my neck. My initial reaction was frustration. I was still cloudy with lust. I wished Mikey was out of the picture so I could take Rye right now on this bed. But that was my animal brain talking. A cool dose of logic reminded me that less than eight hours ago we'd been screaming at each other. We needed to slow the hell down before things got out of control.   

Rye wore a sheepish grin when he pulled away from my neck to look at me, clearly on the same wavelength. "Maybe we should chill a bit?" 

"Yeah, you got a bit carried away, I think," I smirked.

"Oh I did, did I?" he retorted, and the flirtatious banter caused his nose to skim up against mine and his breath to fan my face, very nearly turning me on all over again. 

I pulled a few inches away and squeezed my eyes shut so his beautiful face couldn't distract me anymore. "We should try and sleep," I suggested reluctantly. 

"Sounds like a good idea," he sighed, stroking my cheek. His touch was so tender and loving that my heart swelled. Unprompted, I pulled him in for a chaste kiss. 

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