chapter twenty-eight | out

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Rye stood before the mirror, examining the patchwork of purple bruises I'd decorated his torso with last night.

"How long do you reckon before I can go shirtless again?" He sighed, twisting his reflection this way and that. I'd done a thorough job, covering his skin from most angles.

"I think it's sexy," I smirked, coming up behind him and running my hands down my work of art.

"Hey you, no more," Rye scolded as my lips attached themselves to his neck yet again.

"One more for luck? We'll need it today." I reminded him.

Rye pushed me off him gently, keeping ahold to spin me round so we were facing each other. He took my chin in his hands.

"We'll be okay," he promised, sounding like he was convincing himself more than me, "we'll stay together no matter what happens."

"I know," I sighed, kissing him lightly, "I just hope for the boys' sake..."

"Me too," he mumbled, "but remember this is important to them too."

I thought of Brooklyn, and realised he was right. This was our responsibility as the older ones, the big brothers of the band. We were standing up for ourselves, but also paving the way for them. This thing was bigger than us now, and 'us' was already a big enough deal on it's own. We had to do this.

Still, I was shit scared. 


"Hold my hand. No wait- don't hold it yet." I fretted.

"Why can't I hold it?"

"I think we should hold off until after."

"Can I hold it now, then stop when they get here, then after again?" Rye compromised. 

"Can you both please just sit on different couches?" Mikey interrupted our ridiculous panic over seating arrangements, after a text from Blair let us know he was five minutes away.

"No!" Rye and I snapped back at Mikey, the idea of separating unbearable at this point.

"Co-dependence," Mikey sang under his breath, rolling his eyes affectionately towards us. 

I must have been nervous, because I couldn't muster a sassy comeback. I rolled into Rye, burying my face in his chest.

"Oh God, I want this to be over," I whined. I felt his fingers thread into my hair, beginning to stroke lightly.

"It will be soon," he assured me gently. 

Too soon, the sound of a car pulling into the drive broke our anticipatory silence. Reluctantly, I separated myself from Rye, grimacing as Mikey patted my thigh encouragingly before standing up to open the door. 

A chorus of hello's and hugs filled the room as our long term manager Blair, his girlfriend Ginger, and our old friend Harvey entered the house.

"Andy! Missed you man!" Harvey greeted me with a warm hug.

"Hey Harv, you smell good!" I greeted back, the panic echoing in my head causing me to forget how to interact normally. 

Harvey being the friendly guy he was, brushed off my strangeness, delving into a description of his cologne. I couldn't concentrate on the words, too distracted by the weight I needed to get off my chest. My eyes met Rye's across the room from where he was chatting with Ginger. We nodded at each other, mutual understanding passing between us. 

"Harv, Rye and I need to show you something," I told Harvey.

"Ooh, I'm intrigued," Harvey said as I pulled him up the stairs behind me, Rye following us both. 

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