chapter thirty | soulmate

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The crowd's roar was deafening, but it wasn't louder than our hearts, pounding in perfect synchronisation. Rye's hand came up around the back of my neck, holding me closer to him, telling me he was just as happy, just as proud to be here, lips locked with mine for all to see. As we melted together under the hot beams of stage lights, and the many more pin pricks of cellphone lights, I knew we were truly, finally, out of the darkness.  

When we finally escaped, breathless, to face the world again, the sensations were overwhelming. The dazzling lights blinded me to the faces of the crowd, their presence only proven by the ringing in my ears from the loudest screams I'd ever heard. 

I looked to Rye whose hand still gripped mine. As I squeezed it, he turned his chocolate brown eyes to me, a euphoric smile glowing on his face. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. 

Not really knowing how we got off stage, I was suddenly in a ruck, the boys hugging me from all sides. It was one of those sweaty, messy, perfectly exhilarating moments.

As we parted I found myself pulled in again by Brooklyn, who planted a sloppy kiss against my cheek. When I swivelled to face him I saw tears in his eyes. 

"It's okay, Brooky," I laughed slightly deliriously.

"I know. I'm so proud of you, mate!" Brook exclaimed, voice cracking some at the end. I squeezed his arm affectionately before he was pulled away by an enthusiastic Mikey. 

Still buzzing, I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I relaxed instantly into his hold, tilting my head back so he could kiss me- for the first time ever, not having to think about who might be around to see. 

"Ugh! CUTE!" Brook groaned.

"You two are so fucking hot!" Jack exclaimed, slapping his thigh for emphasis.

"Keep it in your pants, boys." Rye admonished. I laughed as both their faces turned a shade of scarlet. I winked at Brook, seeing his mouth pop open a little. 

"Where we going now?" Mikey came up and addressed us, slinging Brook and Jack under each of his arms.

"We better be partying!" Jack demanded.

"YEAH!" Brook bellowed, beginning to bang his head to the background pop tune like it was a Metallica song. I laughed as Jack and Mikey joined in, dancing like crazy idiots together. 

"I actually have an invitation," Rye said, showing me a text on his phone, looking at me apprehensively for approval. 

"Why not?" I shrugged, pecking his cheek as Rye smiled in relief. 

"Let's go boys!" Rye announced, leading the way out of the venue. We made our way to the van in a single file line, hands all linked as we pushed carefully through the waiting crowd. Rye and I barely had time to mutter a string of 'thank you's to the roadies yelling their support before we were piled into the van, the night ahead calling to us. 


It didn't take too many drinks before we were dancing, close up against each other, seemingly boundless energy radiating from all five of us. The hypnotic beats and the feeling of Rye's body behind me gave me the urge to turn around and take him, all my senses heightened by the atmosphere. But we had to check in with our host first. 

I caught Rye's eye and communicated this to him through eye contact. He nodded, scanning the room first then taking me by the hand and pulling me out of our circle. When we reached the back of a girl with a dark mane of hair, Rye tapped her on the shoulder and she spun around, face lighting up when she saw us.

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