Chapter 1 Happy Goes Missing?

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      Happy  can tell the mission is over now.  He can sense something strange is about to take place.  He has no idea what it could be though.  He sees a strange fog surround him and his friends.  He feels something drag him.  He calls out,  "Natsu help me!"  

     Happy looks up as he sees a strange room inside a house. He can not figure out where he is nor how he got here.  He just knows he has to find a way back to the others!  He gasps when he sees a woman he has never meet before walk into the room.

    "Hello there!  Who are you?"  the lady ask.

     "My name is Happy!  What about you?"  Happy remarks.

     "Wait, you mean you actually talk?"  The woman shows her surprise that this strange creature is able to communicate with her.

     "Yes, of course, I talk!  All flying cats do you know!"  Happy says as if  it is the most obvious thing in the world.

     Meanwhile, Natsu and Lucy find each other now that the fog is gone.  Natsu thinks, wait where is Happy?   "Natsu, where did Happy go?"  Lucy ask.

    "How should I know?"  Natsu replies.

   "You mean you have not seen him since the strange midst went away?"  Lucy remarks.

    "No"  Natsu says.

    "Oh, well that is a shame!  I have not seen him since then either, oh where could he be?"  Lucy says.

     "That is just it!  He was just with us all day!  How could he have gone somewhere without our noticing it?"  Natsu remarks

      "I  know one thing is for sure.  It seems he is no longer in the town  Mangolina."  Lucy says. 

      "I hope we find him soon!  He has been my best friend for the longest time I can remember."  Natsu says.

       "I can tell you are rather close.  Do not worry!  We will find him!"  Lucy says.

      "I sure hope you are right, Luce! "  Natsu says.

      " Now, come on let us look a long way off from here, just in case he went into the next town or something."  Lucy remarks.

      "Sure, Luce!  I suppose it will not hurt to check there just to be certain."  Natsu says.

        After a long  look around the near by town, they come up empty handed.  Natsu and Lucy search everywhere for their friend.  Only the cute blue,flying cat with a keen sense of humor and obsession with a taste for fish is gone!  It seems he is  no where to be found!  This is a disaster a complete disaster, what will they tell the boss now?

        "Natsu, Lucy!  There you are!"  Levy says.

      " What do you mean?"  Natsu remarks.

      "I mean everyone wonders where you have been.  You should have been back hours ago."  Levy says.

     "Sorry, Levy!  It just that we ran into a bit of a problem."  Natsu says.

     "Problem?  What problem?  It seems the flame boy and his blondie made it back just fine!" Gray teases him.

      "Wait, Natsu?  Where is Happy?"  Lisanna remarks.

      "That is just it, he has no where in sight!"  Lucy says

     "You mean you lost him?"  Ezra ask

     "No, I mean we all three were together, but on the way back he went missing!"  Lucy remarks

      "It is just as Luce says!"  Natsu remarks.  He looks a bit down.  

     "Whoa, that is rough man!"  Gajeel remarks.

      "Oh, dear me!"  Levy says.

      "I sure hope Happy is okay!"  Gray says.

      "Me too! "  Natsu says.

     "Same here!"  Lucy remarks.

      "The rest of us agree on this!  We hope the little dude is a okay!" Lisanna says.

      "It is like Lisanna says, we hope nothing bad happens to him."  Loke remarks.

     "I know how much he means to you, Natsu!"  Lucy says.

       "Thanks everyone, but I could use some fresh air."  Natsu says. He walks outside for a bit with Lucy close behind him. 

      Lucy does not say another word.  She just walks around with Natsu. She notices he seems on the edge, so she reaches out and holds his hand.  

     Natsu lets Lucy hold his hand without protest this time.  He decides he may as well since she only wants to cheer him up.  He does not say a word about how he thinks he might even like her.  He does not think the time is right for this any way.

     Lucy smiles. She is glad she is able to help.  She knows it is not much, but it is the least she can do for a friend.  She hates to see Natsu all sad just because that silly cat friend of his seems to somehow made himself disappear for the moment.  She walks around with him to keep him company.

     Back to Happy  in some strange place...

          "Well, then it sure is nice to meet you!  I am Allison Chesterfield and I live alone. I do have a pet cat though.  Her name is Melinda."  Allison says

       "Cool!  Allison, where are we to be exact?"  Happy ask

      "Oh, that is simple enough to explain. We are here in my house. " Allison says.

      "Aye, Miss!  Where is your house?  I mean what world are we in to be exact?"  Happy ask.

     "Well, you ask lots of questions for a cat that has wings.  Anyway, we are on earth!"  Allison says.  She giggles at the funny look Happy gives her.  She has no idea why he ask such peculiar questions when he is the one that just shows up in her cottage out of the blew!  She takes a closer look at his collar.  Sure enough she sees his name, the words "Fairy Tail Guild Member" and friend of Natsu on the small tag that she finds on it.  She shakes her head. 

      "Well?"  Happy ask

     "Well, you sure are a long ways from home."  Allison says.

     "Really, and why is that may I ask?"  Happy remarks.

     "Well, you see the thing is we are in the Milky Way part of the solar system."  Allison says.

      "Yes, so?"  Happy says

    to be continued in Chapter  2    What is Fairy Tail?

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now