Chapter 3 Did Someone Say Fish?

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    Happy smacks his lips at the delicious aroma that comes from the oven. He sees Allison make a salad to go with the potatoes, but still has no ideas what she bakes.  He dares not ask since he is a stranger and does not want to pry in someone elses business.

   Allison smiles.  She is glad for the company.  She has very few friends. She does not tell Happy this though.  She sets out the crutons, the bacon bits, the cheese and the Ranch dressing.  She sets the salad bowl on the table too. She gets out the sour cream to go along with the butter for the baked potatoes.  She makes sure both the ketchup, and tater sauce are out too.

  When the oven timer goes off, Allison gets out her oven mitts. She removes the food from it right away.  She sets it down on a hot pad to cool. She looks up at her guest. She remarks, "Well the food is ready now!  Oh, I do hope you like salmon!"

  "Fish, did someone say fish?"  Happy says.

   "Yes, as a matter of fact, I just did!"  Allison says. She laughs.

   " I take that means it is your favorite too, then?"  Allison remarks.

    "Yes!  I mean, Aye, Miss Allison!"  Happy says.

    "Okay then!"  Allison says.

        Happy sits down across from his hostess.  He hears her say a prayer.  He remains quiet so as not to interrupt.  When she finishes, he ask,  "Would you pass the salad, please?"

        "Sure, here you go!"  Allison says.  She hands over the salad bowl with the tongs to serve it with to Happy.  

      Happy smiles as he fixes himself a bit of the vegetables to go with his fish.  He is glad to get to have such great company. He figures at least it beats eating alone.  Not that he ever does, but he has this guess this kind woman might.

     After the meal, Happy is full as ever!  Full and glad  he has made a new friend!

      "Well, thanks for the meal!"  Happy says.

      "I have dessert too you know!"  Allison says.

     "Oh, and what might it be?"  Happy ask.

     "It is apple pie, with cool whip or ice cream to go on top."  Allison says.

      "Is it okay if  I have a little of both on my slice of the pie?"  Happy ask.

      "It should be just fine."  Allison says.  She scoops two scoops of ice-cream out and puts them over a slice of pie.  She adds some cool whip on top too and hands the plate over to her guest.

      Allison then, fixes herself some pie with only the ice-cream to go with hers.  She is not much into cool whip.  This makes her wonder, why did I even buy it anyway?

     When they finish dessert, Happy flies the plates, the silverware, etc. over to the sink. He washes the dishes.  He dries them off and places them in a  neat stack.  He is not sure where they go, so he decides to let the lady put them where they belong.  This way he is sure she will not be upset to find them in the wrong place.  

    Allison puts the dishes away.  As she does she hums for awhile.  It is a song Happy is not familiar with at all.  She finishes the end as she places the last clean cup into the cabinet.

    "Thanks for doing the dishes.  I mean it!  Usually guest, do not do that here!  I mean, we usually just wash them ourselves."  Allison says.

     "Hmm, well where I am from everyone pitches in to help straighten up."  Happy remarks.

     "I see, it appears you did pick up a few manners then."  Allison says.

    "I suppose so!  It was Miss Lucy who taught them to me as Natsu is not much into manners."  Happy says.

   Back in Mangolina, Fairy Tail land...

     Natsu and Lucy finish their meal.  Now, Lucy and Natsu help each other with the dishes.  Once they are all put away, Natsu turns to Lucy.  "

     "Luce, I am grateful for all your help."  Natsu says.

     "I was glad to help.  No big deal!"  Lucy says.

     "It really means a lot to me.  I mean you even got everyone to assist with the search for Happy."  Natsu says.

    "Yes, well that is what friends do best!"  Lucy says.

    "Lucy, what if I told you, I want to be more than friends?  Then, what?" Natsu says.

    "Natsu, I am not sure that is a good idea. I mean you are great, but..." Lucy says.

    "But what?"  Natsu says as he stands rather close to her.

    "But  I, I am not sure I..." Lucy says.

       Natsu grabs her face. He is gentle though.  He stares into her eyes.  He thinks, I could lost in them.  

     Lucy notices he holds her face in his hands. She does not mind.  Not one bit. She thinks, I could lost in his eyes.  Wait, what?

     Natsu looks at her.  He sees her look back at him.  He does not know what came over him, but he finds himself with his lips against hers. He feels her wrap her arms around him. He thinks, Lucy, I love you!  He continues to kiss her. He expects her to protest.  Yet, she just hugs him so he deepens the kiss.  He feels her return kiss. He is not sure how to respond.

    He breaks the kiss. He looks at her in surprise.  "L-Luce, I am sorry.  I never should have done that to you.  I just got caught up in the moment and I do not know what came over me."  Natsu says.

    "Shh,Natsu!"  Lucy says. She leans in and ruffles his hair. She smirks as he looks at her in surprise.  She kisses him. 

    Natsu closes his eyes.  He thinks, is she for real?  I thought she did not like me, yet she kisses me?

    Lucy breaks the kiss.  "N-Natsu?  Natsu?"  Lucy says.

    "Yes, Luce?"  Natsu ask.

    "Wow, I think you are right!  We could be more than friends!"  Lucy remarks.

   "Lucy, will you be my girlfriend?"  Natsu ask.

    "Yes, Natsu!  I will!  I like you!" Lucy says.

     Natsu grins!  "I am so happy, Lucy!"  Natsu says.

     "Good, cause I am too."  Lucy says.  She rest her head on his shoulder and goes to sleep.  

         Natsu  thinks, wow!  Lucy and I are together now!  He continues to grin his silly, big cheesy grin!

      to be continued in   Chapter  4   Melinda and Happy Meet?

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now