Chapter 19 A Portal Opens?

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             Suddenly out of nowhere a portal opens in the middle of Fairy Tail!   No one quite knows how it got there or if it will ever close again!  For that matter, they wonder if it will bring any strange outsiders to their  land. Outsiders that could be friendly or that could be extremely dangerous.

            Turns out they do not have to wait long to find the answer.  It also, turns out the answer is quite humorous which depends on what your definition of  the word funny is to you.  That is to say this portal does bring strangers from the outside, but they are not ones that anyone would ever expect to see here.  These new comers appear to be in a state of confusion when it comes to the whole experience.   Which brings up the question what or who exactly brought them here and for what reason?

         "Where  are we?  Does this look like Paris, France to you?"  Carapace ask as he takes a look around him.

         "Nah, it appears we are  in some strange wooden area of some sort."  Rena Rouge replies.

           The portal closes soon after this so they find themselves stuck here for the moment.  There is no telling how long they will be here for either.

        What they do not know is that a familiar item came in through the portal as it closed up behind them!   Actually, come to think of it make that two familiar items.  One was a villain who can ironically enough open and close portals, while the other is an akuma.

          In the meantime,Carapace, and  Rena Rogue,  remain right where they stand.  It is not as if they had any particular plans on what else to do while here in this new place.  That is to say it is new to them. 

         "Welcome to Mangolina, otherwise known as the land of Fairy Tail."  Lucy Heartfilia says.

          "Yes, please do make yourselves at home."  Natsu Dragneel says.

         "Hey, not so fast!  How do you we know they are not enemies to our land?"  Ezra Scarlet remarks.

             "I assure you we mean no harm."  Carapace says.

            "Yes, he is right."  Rena Rogue remarks.

              "Bye the way, I am Carapace and this here is my partner, and girlfriend, Rena Rogue.  We were in France earlier today before we somehow found ourselves here. "  Carapace explains.

                "Yes, he is right."  Rena states.

               "Aye, that sounds nice. I have never been to this France you speak about at all."  Happy says.

             "Cool, you remind me of my friend, Trixx.   Only she is a fox!"  Rena Rogue says.  She suddenly destransforms.

             Carapace finds he does the same.  He thinks, well at least here it seems that Hawkmoth  can not cause any trouble.

              "What just a minute, what is with the sudden change in your appearance?"  Gray retorts.

                "Yes, explain yourselves, now!"  Juvia remarks.

                  "I would like to know as well."  Levy says.

                 "Same here,"  Wendy tells them.

                 "We are superheros where we come from and we only need to wear the costumes for when we fight these funny things that we call akumas."  Rena, now in her Alya form says.

                  "Yes, she is right.  These akumas are really just butterflies that Hawkmoth turns into moths to do his evil work for him.  We fight alongside our friends, other heroes, Ladybug, Chat Noir and Queen Bee."   Carapace, now in his Nino form tells them.

                  "Okay, well in that case, glad to have you here."  Ezra Scarlet says.

                  The others agree with Ezra it is nice to have two heroes in their midst that appear to have come a long way from home.

               "Wow, heroes!  This is so cool!"  Levy says.  She thinks, it is almost like a book come to life.  Almost, but not quite.

               "I suppose it could be expect for the fact we need to find a way back to our world."  Nino says.

           "Yes, we sure do." Alya says.

           "Oh, and outside the costumes we are Nino and Alya."  Alya states.

          "Okay, then.  Nino and Alya we do hope your stay with us will be a pleasant one for you."  Lucy says.

          "Aye, I agree with Miss Lucy!"  Happy says.

        "Same,here!"  Melinda states.

       "This place is amazing!"  Nino remarks.

       "It sure is indeed."  Alya says.

        "Well, since it is so late now, how about you both find a place to sleep."  The boss remarks.

       "You are welcome to come to my place.  I do not mind."  Lucy tells Alya.

       "Really, thank you ever so much, Lucy!"  Alya says.

         "What about Nino here?"  The boss ask.

       "He can bunk at my place with me and Happy!"  Natsu says.

       "Thanks, dude!"  Nino says.

         "Awe, do not mention it man." Natsu says.

             Nino, follows Natsu and Happy home.  Melinda, her owner, Allison and now Alya all stay at Lucy's place.  Lucy thinks it might be crowded,but that is alright.

            Meanwhile, with the people in the land of  Miraculous  as seen on the popular show, Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir  owned and produced by Thomas Atrsuc and Jeremy Zag of  zagtoon productions, the people here notice that Rena Rogue and Carapace appear to have gone missing.   Even stranger still is that Nino and Alya are also nowhere in sight.   

         "Chat Noir!"  Ladybug screams.

        "Yes, m'lady!" Chat says.

         "It is just that akuma was really a rough one.  I am glad the civilain is alright,but where on earth did Rena Rogue and Carapace run off too?  It is not like them to just disappear in the middle of a fight!"  Ladybug says.

       "I agree, but we must not panic.  We do not want Hawkmoth to notice and send any akumas after you, Bugaboo."  Chat says.  He reaches out and hugs her.  This seems to calm her down for the moment.

         "Awe, thanks Chat!  I do not know what I would ever do without you."  Ladybug says.

         "Same to you.  I do not know what I would ever do without you." Chat Noir tells her.

               Ladybug and Chat Noir does their typical pound it together! Then, Ladybug swings away and Chat Noir heads back to his home as well.  The two are worn out and still have no clues where there hero friends have gone off too.  Perhaps, they will find out in the morning.

             As Ladybug destransforms back to Marinette, she thinks, wait!  Why did Rena not show up to return her miraculous like she usually does?  She begins to wonder what has taken place to make Alya so forgetful, for that matter, what about Nino, he did come return his miraculous to her.  She sends Alya a text to reassure herself her best friend is just fine and gets no response. 

   Marinette turns to Tikki, yawns and says,  "Well, perhaps, she is just asleep.  Good night, Tikki!"

      "Good night, Marinette!"  Tikki says.

          Marinette soon drifts off to sleep with TIkki asleep in her purse as usual.  

             to be continued in Chapter  20  Never a Dull Moment in Fairy Tail?                                           

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now