Chapter 4 Melinda and Happy Meet?

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     In the Fairy Tail world Lucy is asleep with her head on Natsu's  shoulder. Natus is glad he and Lucy are together now!  He only wishes he could share the good news with Happy.  Only, Happy is still no where in sight.  He sighs, wraps an arm around Lucy and soon enough he falls asleep as well.

   Now, in the real world, in the United States...

  Happy is full as can be from the delicious meal and the dessert.  He plops down on the couch for a bit now that the dishes are clean and put away.  He is not sure what else to do.  He almost falls asleep when he hears a nice purr sound.  He takes a look to see what makes the sound. He sees this small, skinny, furry creature nearby.

  Happy smiles when he sees her.  "Hey, there!  You must be Melinda!"  Happy says.

   Melinda looks at Happy in surprise!  She does not understand a thing he says.  She thinks, he must be some strange creature as he has fur and a tail, but he also has a set of wings.  She is not sure what to make of him.

  Happy smiles!

     Melinda smiles. She purrs!  She meow's  a bit too.  This is her way to communicate since she is not an anime character like Happy and his friends.  She is a real cat!  She is  calico cat. She has black, white, and brown fur, she has brown ears with white on the tip to one ear, and black on the tip to the other one.  Her long tail is mostly black with a little speck of white and brown on the very end to it.  She has a short, pink tongue.  She is a bit shy, yet she seems to get along just fine with him.

  She shows him her post where she can scratch to her hearts content.  Then, she shows him her toys, a few balls, a squeaky toy mouse, and a mechanical opossum.  She shows him a nice soft blanket and finally the small basket she calls her very own bed.  She meows again for him. She tries to bat at his paws in the hopes to get him to play with her as she rarely ever has company such as this.

    Happy replies, "Those are all very fine things indeed!  I am sure you are just proud of them all.  My name is Happy!" 

   Melinda blurts out a  nice long "ME-O-W!"  for him.  She does not know how to say much else. She tries, but fails every time.  She does not understand a word of Japanese or any other foreign words for that matter.  It is not like she can help it.  She is a domestic cat that has not seen much outside the pet store  other than her current residence and the occasional veterinarian's office for her annual vaccinations.  She watches the occasional television with her owner, a  Miss Allison Chesterfield.  She does not understand much the people on the screen have to say either as none of them appears to speak cat.

   Happy meows in reply!  Melinda seems to enjoy this.  She rolls over on her back. She plays with a piece of stray yarn she has found in the room.  She continues to do so as Happy watches her in amusement.

    He can not imagine any place he rather be than in that very moment in time.  He yawns and soon dozes off on the sofa.  He does not even notice when Melinda whose also worn out curls up into a ball inside her basket and wraps her blanket around herself.  He does not see when Allison enters the room and snaps a photo.  He does not notice when the hostess turns off the lights, calls out, "Good night, Happy!"  and heads off to her bedroom for the evening.

    The next day, Happy awakens to the sound of someone in pain. He looks up to see Melinda with  a bit of a limp to her walk.  He takes a closer look at her right back paw.  He sees a foreign object stuck in the bottom padding to it.  He can see why this would hurt.  It looks very painful indeed to him.  He yanks as gently as he can with his teeth until the horrible thing pops out and lands on the coffee table nearby.  He can see it looks like some prickly item.   He supposes it to belong to a porcupine as those are the animals in a book Lucy once read aloud for him and Natsu.  This creature seems to be sort who causes the puncture he sees before his eyes in poor, sad, Melinda's  paw.  He feels sympathy for her at once and meows to signal her master!  

    " Good morning, Happy!  Oh, I see you have met Melinda!  Well, very well for you indeed."  Allison remarks.

      Melinda yelps.  Allison sees blood gush from the wound.

    "Oh, dear kitty, I shall be right back."  Allison says. She returns with a washcloth and a few other things.  She gently washes Melinda's wound as Happy makes funny faces as a nice distraction to keep Melinda calm.  She then, pours some iodine over it as Happy continues on with his charades. She is grateful for his help as she bandages the wound the best she can with a piece of gauze and tape.   

    "There now, all done!  It is as good as new."  Allison says.  She pets Melinda on the head in the attempt to calm the poor cat down.  It seems to do no good as the pussy cat just continues to mew in pain and agony.

  Allison goes on a walk for some fresh air.  

   Happy suspects it is to lower her stress and worry over her pet.  He scoops up Melinda and places her gently back in her bed.  He adds her blanket and a small pillow he saw nearby.  He snuggles in beside her to keep her company.  He sees her settle down, yawn and fall back to sleep.  He tries to move, but she reaches out and puts a leg over his.  He stays put and sets his head down gently beside hers and goes to sleep too.

    Allison returns from her walk. She gasps at the adorable sight before her.  She thinks, awe!  How cute my Melinda and Happy are such good pals already!  They have a sleepover!  She giggles to herself a bit as she snaps a quick photo.

    to be continued in Chapter 5  Happy Must Leave?

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now