Chapter 10 Time to Kick Some Monsters and Giants Butts!

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         "Guys, it is time to go fight these fowl creatures once and for all!"  Natsu says.

        "Yeah, lets get  them!"  Ezra remarks.

        "Wait, wait!  Wait!  We have no idea where the location of these beings are anyway."  Lucy remarks.

      "Yes, what she says makes sense."  Happy retorts!

       "Meow, meow! " Melinda says. She rubs her face against Happy's left leg and smiles when he blushes. She kinda thinks he is cute as well.

      "Whoa, before you start you need to know something about these beasts."  The man says.

    "Oh, and what is that kind sir?"  Lucy ask.

    "Well, Miss Lucy they are the sort who do not take kindly to strangers and they often have been known to eat their prey.  At least the monsters have anyway, however the giants rarely eat anything that does not have a tail.   Your cat friends would be in the most danger around the giants.  Anyway, break a leg!"  The man says.

      "Yeah, will do !"  Happy remarks.  Melinda follows close behind him and wonders what does break a leg mean?  She meows a bit less loud than before in confusion. 

       Once they step outside the place, they see all sorts of neat things.  Everything from a huge waterfall, to steps, a small creek, another waterfall quite smaller than the other one, trees, grass, flowers -of various kinds- and finally there is the monsters and giants as prior brought up.

      "This place is kinda neat!"  Lucy says.

     "Neat nothing, it is our work area, so get to work!"  Ezra says.

     "Yes, Miss Ezra!"  Natsu says.

     "Aye, Miss Ezra!"  Happy remarks, while Melinda does not say a word.  

   Melinda  is too busy wondering what is so bad about these foreign animals?  She begins to think perhaps, this man is mistaken about them! 

      Lucy does not say anything either, but instead attacks  a huge spider that tries to poke her with his tremendous hairy legs.  She shudders at the thought of what could happen if she fails to kill it.  She continues to fight it for quite awhile yet.

      Natsu finds a  beetle a huge one to boot right near his left leg.  As it is about to laugh it off as a harmless bug, it grabs hold to him and refuses to let go!  He looks at in shock!  He attacks it in self defense.

      Happy finds himself with a swarm of wasps around him.  If there is anything that troubles him more than the dark, confetti and other random things it is wasps.  He got stung by one once a few years ago and ever since they  have been part of his list of things that terrify him!  He tries to act brave though for his own sake, Melinda's  and the others all around them. 

      Melinda can tell the funny animals that fly around them are creepy as ever.  She is not to happy to have deal with them. However, she figures there must be some way to avoid the stingers gettin them though.  She dodges these fiery beetles.  She sees one about to get Happy's  left leg, and lunges at it.  She hit it hard with her ball of yarn. The same one that was hidden in her paw the entire time.  

        The yarn hits the bug hard and it falls over.  It was hit hard enough to die.  Happy looks over at her in surprise and thinks, wow, she got it with a piece of string?   Not bad for a house cat!  Not bad at all!

        Happy sprays the wasps with some strong odor that knocks them out.  He smiles as one after another falls out of the sky and lands hard on the ground.  He examines them closer and notices they are dead.  

        Melinda smiles. She has no idea what it was that Happy put on them,but is glad to see the bees are dead.  At least this way, she reasons they will not get stung!  

          Ezra defeats two dragons.  She cleans her sword and charges at the third one.  This one throws a huge ball of fire her way.  

      Fortunately for her Natsu has overcome the beetle and is ready to assist her.   He swallows the fire and spits it back out at the lizard.  It hits it hard in the stomach and it falls over dead as a door nail.

       "Thanks, Natsu!"  Ezra says.

      "Your welcome, Ezra!"  Natsu says.

          Lucy finally defeats the black widow and smiles. She is happy she survives this battle !  Talk about one tough spider!  It sure was a hard one to go up against!  All her missions in the past never did prepare her for this, yet she still won!  Thank goodness!  She does not notice the small mark on her left arm below the elbow.  

        Everyone continues to fight!  Soon enough all the giants, but one are completely gone!  The monsters are almost all dead as well. There are only three left. One another spider, and the other two are some ugly birds that appear to be unhappy to see them.

       The group vanquishes the remainder of the creatures!  Then, they turn to go. 

       Lucy wraps her arm up with a piece of cloth as she now notices the funny spot on her arm.  She does not say a word about it to anyone. She does not want them to worry as it seems to have spread rapidly to her elbow.  She thinks, I need medical attention, but how, and where will I seek it?   It is not  like there are any hospitals nearby.  Plus, she reasons within herself, Wendy is back at the guild.

      The man smiles.  He pays them, and whispers into Lucy's  ear, "You will have to tell your friends about your trouble soon enough!  I suggest you do it soon.  Otherwise, the results could be quite drastic.  This kind of wound comes from a poisonous クモ Kumo (Japanese for spider according to google search). Lucy, do not forget your friends care deeply about you! "

     Lucy nods her head in response.  She and the others go on their way back to the guild.  She thinks, I will tell them as soon as possible!  I will tell them all expect for Natsu!  I see no need to make him worry.  

    *Author's  Note:  How soon do you think, Lucy will share here bad news with Ezra, Happy and Melinda?   Why does she think Natsu would worry more than the rest?  Is she right to keep this information from him? -Summer Cheng*

       As the five buddies head on back home, Natsu turns to Lucy and ask, "What was it that old man told you back there?  It must have been important what ever it was right?"

      "Oh, Natsu!  No need to fret over such a trifle thing as this!  It was nothing really!  He just wants to wish us all a safe journey, and good health all the way back!  That is all, so need to bother with the subject further."  Lucy replies.

       The answer seems to satisfy him for now!  However, only time will tell if this will be the case for much longer. 

      "Lucy, you know the longer you try to avoid the truth the longer it will take for all to be as normal as possible!  I suggest you tell us soon what it is that seems to trouble you!"  Ezra says.

      "Miss Lucy what is with the funny wrap there?"  Happy ask as he points to the bandage.

       "I personally, would like to know the same thing."  Natsu says with a frown on his face.  He is not happy that Lucy tries to deny anything is wrong when clearly there is something wrong.  Something very wrong indeed!

       Melinda looks at Lucy and frowns too. Then, she meows louder than usual as she can even tell there is no way that this blonde hair, brown eye girl before her is  very hurt.  She can see this as well as the others.  It is remarkable she can visualize this so soon as she only meant Lucy earlier that day, but feels as if she has known her for years.

         to be continued in Chapter 11 The Fork in the Road & Other such Business!

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now