Chapter 14 The Bright Yellow Light?

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          Two months later, team Nalu which consist of  Natsu, Lucy, Ezra, Happy, Melinda,and Jellal this time.  The six  friends head on their way for the new mission.  They are glad this time their are six people on the trip.  At least this time, it is not an odd number like it was the last time.  Plus, since Jellal is with them, Ezra is not in one of her moods.  If anything, she is happy, and perky as ever!

         They manage to take four hours to travel  most of the way there.  However, they all agree a supper break is in order.  "So,where should we stop for the meal?"  Jellal ask.

         "How does a  nice sit down restaurant sound everyone?"  Ezra replies.  

        "Yum, sounds good to me!"  Lucy says.

        "I agree it does sound delicious," Natsu responds.

       "Aye, agreed!" Happy says.

       "Yes, indeed I agree that is quite nice as they tend to have the most variety." Jellal remarks.

       "I do not believe I have eaten it that often. I  say, it sounds splendid."  Melinda says.

        "Goodness, it will take me awhile to get use to the fact she speaks as the rest of us do,"  Jellal says.  He is still not sure what to think about the fact an actual regular cat is able to talk.  He admits though she is rather cool.  It is no wonder, Happy enjoys her company so much.

      "Well, then that settles  it a sit down restaurant  is then!" Ezra says. She looks for place that sells this type of  food on the map. She smiles when she sees one that is only a few minutes away.

      "What is it that makes you so cheerful, my dear?"  Jellal ask her.

     "Two things really, you being along for this journey and the other is the location of the closest sit down restaurant is only a few minutes from here.  See!"  Ezra says and points to the tiny dot on the map.

     "Wow, you are right!  So, it is indeed!"  Jellal says. He can hardly wait to share a meal with Ezra, his crush, and the rest of his friends.  He cannot get there soon enough.

      The group follows Ezra down the road to the right, then take a left, and a few more rights.  They arrive at the food place in no time! 

        "Yes, time to eat at last!" Natsu says.

       Lucy giggles, lightly touches his arm, and says,  "Natsu you always have a huge appetite it is a wonder that you remain as thin as you do."

     "Aye, I agree with Miss Lucy on that one!"  Happy says.

   "Same here," Ezra says.

  "As do I! " Jellal says.

   "Yeah, I even think you eat a lot for someone your age and height."  Melinda remarks.

   "Well, guys I just happen to enjoy food and have a big metabolism that is all." Natsu says.

    "Yes, well just try to mind your manners."  Lucy says gently.

   "Do I not always do this anyway, Luce?"  Natsu says as if he takes offense at the idea that he is a sloppy eater.

    "Not exactly, Natsu!  You tend to get so full of excitement at the very sight of food that you cram it in and risk your life.  Plus, you rarely remember to use your fork , or other utensil let alone a napkin."  Lucy says.

  "Oh, in that case I plan to use better manners today.  You just wait and see, Luce."  Natsu says. He grins big and thinks, I will do what I can to not be so rude since it offends Lucy and makes her worry for me.

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now