Chapter 7 Disagreement: Melinda Stays at the Guild or Goes with Happy?

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    Happy stays at the guild for the moment.  He still has no idea how Melinda got here let alone how he is back now.  He only knows it is good to be back.  He smiles.  He hears a voice say, "Happy, good you are back!  I need you to go on a mission with Natsu, Lucy and Ezra!"  He turns to see the boss.

   "Boss, I accept, but what about Melinda?"  Happy ask.

   "Melinda, who is this Melinda?"  the boss ask as he raises and eyebrow.

   "Oh, she is this cat who I met in the real world and upon my arrival back here she came with me." Happy says.

   "I see." The boss remarks.

  "Happy is that really you?"  Natsu says surprise evident in his voice and eyes as he and Lucy just got back from their date.

  "Aye,sir!  Oh, and since when do you date Miss Luce?"  Happy ask.

   "We begin to go out a week ago!"  Lucy says.

  "She is right since your sudden disappearance we found out we like each other and well we have been together ever since then!"  Natsu says.  His grin bigger than Happy ever thought possible.

   "Congratulations to you both!" Happy says.

  "M-E-OW!"  Melinda says. She purrs a bit too as she rubs up against Lucy's  legs. 

  "Awe, what an adorable cat!  How did she get here?"  Lucy says.

   "She came here with him!" The boss says.

 "It seems you have a few surprises of your own, buddy!"  Natsu says in his attempt to tease him.

  "Yes, well it is great to see you too!  Glad to see my new friend gets along so well with you both!" Happy says.

  "Oh,  go on with it you three!  The mission must start right away.  You have no time to loose."  The boss says.

"Wait, what?  We have a mission?"  Natsu complains.

"Yes, so get on with it you all!  Oh, and Ezra will accompany you on this particular one." The boss says.

 "That is right, you heard him!  So, we should get a move on now!"  Ezra says.

  "I agree, Natsu!"  Lucy says.

 "Aye, time to go!" Happy says.

 "What about your girlfriend?"  The boss says.

  "Girlfriend, she is not my girlfriend!"  Happy protest.  Nevertheless, he blushes at the mention of his girl cat companion. 

   "Awe, Happy has  a girl!  Wow, never saw that coming!" Ezra teases him. She even laughs a little.

"Well, I suggest you decide soon what to do with her!  You only have two choices the way I see it, you either leave her with me at the guild.  If she stays she must not get into anything though.  The other option is you take her with you, Happy!  Now hurry, and decide immediately!" The boss says.

 "I think she would be a great asset!"  Lucy says.

  "I agree it would be a cool way to get to know her better."  Natsu says.

 "I do not know, it would only put this delicate, domestic feline into unnecessary danger!" Ezra says.

 "I say she comes with us!"  Happy says.

  "Agreed!" Natsu and Lucy remarks at the same time. 

   "Good, then take her with you!  See you later and make sure that Melinda gets plenty of water!"  The boss says.

       The four or rather five leave the guild at once.  They have water, food, extra water, a few cat treats the boss gave them, along with a map to help them find the destination they are to reach for their next mission, and the poster that explains what they are to do once they reach it.  They get a few miles down the road. 

       So far so good!  At least, this is what Happy would like to think!  No sooner, do they reach a pit stop, then Ezra yells at them all,  "Seriously a real cat?  What ?  How do possibly expect to keep her safe while we were away from the guild?   Just tell me how?  What if we fail to do so and some aliment shall befall her, then what?  It is not like Wendy is any where nearby.  She has been gone on  a mission with Romeo, Loke, and Cana for over two weeks now."

      Ezra remarks,  "Until her return their is no one to heal those who are hurt!  I honestly hope you know what you are doing, Happy!  I still think it is grave mistake to bring a non-talking animal with us on such a huge journey!  I mean it is down right irresponsible!  That is what it is you know!"  

       Happy does not say a word.  Natsu and Lucy remain quiet as well. They all figure it is better not to stir up trouble by giving Ezra a response when she is in one of her moods.  It is rather obvious she is not to happy that Jellal was given a mission on his own.  She does not like it one bit.  So, they decide the best way to stay on her good side is to say nothing.  That is not to bring up Jellal, or her feelings for him.  Let alone anything to do with his solo mission.  This is the last thing anyone needs is to get on her bad side.

     Melinda is quiet now too. It is almost like she too senses Ezra is no one to mess with right now.  She remains silent.  She just smiles. She licks herself. She looks around and finds a nice private spot for a bathroom break. She rejoins the group.  She attaches herself to Happy's left front leg.

     Everyone else thinks this is the most adorable thing they have seen all day.  Even Ezra herself can not find an argument against the sweet gesture that the female pussy cat gives to Happy.  The group continues on down the road, they all take turns to check the map to make sure they head off in the correct direction.  It would do them no good to get lost.  

     However, back in the real world, USA, in the area of  Raleigh, North Carolina to be exact is a woman who frantically searches for her missing pet.  Allison Chesterfield goes to the park, the grocery store, and anywhere else that she believes some one might have seen her. She shows them a photo of Melinda in the hopes to get some answers.  The lady comes up with no results!  None what so ever, it seems no one recalls having seen the cat recently.  One child, says "I am sorry, Miss, but the last I saw her was a few days ago with you."  Allison nods her head in appreciation.  She sighs.  She sees a police officer.

     The police officer helps her check the local cat parks, the cat clinic's ,the animal shelter, and many other places.  Together they hope to find some clue as to what has become of the ball of fur that Allison refers to as her precious, Melinda.  Still Melinda is not found. "Thanks, for your help officer!"  Allison says sadly.  She returns home and enters the place alone.

      Another day goes by and still her cat is no where to be found!  It is as if she  simply ceases to exist. This is impossible though as everyone knows their is no way the cat is dead.  If it were to be so someone would have seen her dead body by the side of the road and made sure the distraught owner knew right away.  So, there has to be some local explanation to her disappearance, but what?  What on earth could it be?

      Allison Chesterfield's  POV:

       Where on earth has my cat gone?  Is she even still in this galaxy?  She has the strange feeling this is no ordinary situation at all.  This is despite the fact that cats go missing everyday!  Yet, she knows her cat would never run away from home.  This is something  she is so sure about herself!  So, what then has become of her?  What conclusion is there to her disappearance?  She goes to bed with the mystery still to be solved. 

     to be continued in Chapter 8  Allison Breaks Down?

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now