Chapter 22 Whoa, Where Did They Go?

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      Carapace and Rena are busy with their battle with the villain who is in Fairy Tail along with them.  Carapace has the jar with the akuma inside that he tucks inside his back pocket.  Suddenly the bad man, opens a portal once more!  This time as he jumps through it, Carapace feels the item pull him through it and Rena grabs his hand, so she disappears too.

        The others in Fairy Tail cannot understand what just took place.  They see the portal close,and notice Carapace and Rena are no where in sight. 

         Gray looks at Juvia, and says, "Where are they?"

            Juvia shrugs her shoulders.  "How should I know!"  Juvia answers.

           The boss agrees, "Yes, indeed the whole thing is rather a puzzlement to me."

          Natsu laughs, "Well, they do appear to have gone as quick as they came."

        "Aye, I agree with Natsu!"  Happy says.

      "Same here!" Levy states.

      "Yes, I must say I agree as well."  Wendy and Melinda says at the same time.

     "I suppose the entire thing is a bit of mystery." Jellal says.


       Meanwhile, in Miraculous (owned by Thomas Atrsuc and Jeremy Zag of  Zagtoon productions),  Carapace lands with a thud with the jar still in tact.  Rena and the criminal appears not far behind him.  Everyone in Paris, France cheers when they see the fox hero and turtle hero are home at last.  

     Chat smiles when he sees them, "Ladybug, look who came by today!"

    "Wow, it is Rena Rogue and Carapace!  Wow, they are back!  Oh, and it seems they have an akuma they caught inside a jar."  Ladybug tells him.

    "Yes, that is right!  However, what about the dude with the funny suit that came here with them?" Chat ask.

    "Oh, him, why he is the villain!  I wonder what it was that made him fall captive to Hawkmoth's grasp."  Ladybug says.

       Chat Noir, Ladybug, Rena Rogue, Carapace and Queen Bee fight against the "Portaler"  as the villain calls himself.  They  continue to do so for awhile yet. Soon enough, they win!  The man turns back to his normal self and goes home.  The heroes pound it!  Everyone hides, and destransforms.


      Back to Fairy Tail...

         Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Ezra and Jellal, Wendy, the boss, Mira Jane, Lisanna and the others cannot seem to figure out what made Carapace and Rena vanish like this?  It is such a peculiar thing none of them quite knows what to make of it all.   The one thing they hope is that where ever  Rena and Carapace went that they are happy there now.

        "I will miss Rena!"  Lucy says.

         "Me too, " the others agree.

       "Also, Carapace will be some one I shall miss for a long time."  Gray says.

      "Yeah, same here buddy!  Same here!"  Natsu agrees.

      " You tell me, I must say that  I cannot help, but think it sad they should have to go away so soon!"   Levy says.

       "Do not worry, Levy!  I am sure they are just fine.  I am sure they have their own reasons for their sudden appearance else where."  Lucy says.

      "I suppose you are right."  Juvia says.

     "Sure, she is!  Luce, here is one of the smartest people I know."  Natsu brags.

     " I suspect we shall really never know what has become of them."  Mira Jane says.

     "Oh, that might be true.  Yet, the two are together!   Should not this count for something?"  The boss replies.

      "yes, indeed!  Indeed it does, sir!  Indeed it does!"  Wendy remarks.


       Later that day, as Lucy prepares for bed, she thinks, well, I hope Alya and Nino have a great journey!  Perhaps, someday they will get home! Some day, they will find a way back to Paris, France and to the exact same time from which they came!   

        Lucy turns on her television set and her eyes widen. She sees a show that goes by  "Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir"  come across the screen. She laughs and thinks,well, well , talk about ironic!  Is that not the place and show from which our friends, Rena and Carapace are said to have come from upon arrival here earlier today?

        Natsu happens to have his tv on the same channel as the one Lucy finds herself in tune too.  He chuckles and thinks, Whoa, Where Did They Go?   He  looks on in wonder as the opening scene starts.  He pays attention as Nino speaks to Adrien and Alya to Marinette. He thinks, ah, so that is where they went!  Those two went back to their own show in France.   Well, good for them!  Very good!  Very good,indeed!

       to be continued in Chapter  23   A   Sad Farewell!





Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now