Chapter 13 Well, if that Doesn't Beat All?

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         The boss man looks at Melinda in surprise that she spoke up.  He cannot believe his hears.  The simple house cat did not meow as he would have thought or  expect her too.  Instead she spoke as if she were an anime character.  He thinks, Hmm, I wonder how this took place as she is a real cat!    He  shakes his head and sighs.

       "Melinda, did you really just say that Lucy was bitten by a spider?"  The boss ask.

     "Yes, sir!  I sure did, you see it was while we were away on the mission."  Melinda remarks.

     "I see, very well thank you for the useful information then."  The boss says.

        "Boss, is Wendy back yet or not?"  Natsu ask with concern in his voice, eyes , and over demeanor for his girlfriend and love, Lucy.

       "Now, Natsu, let him speak, will ya?"  Happy retorts.

      "Guys, do not fight!" Ezra says.

     "Yes, listen to Miss Ezra here!"  Melinda says.

          A  girl with a short stature,long blue hair that is in its typical pig tails, brown eyes, and red spiky ears enters the guild all out of breath.  She has just gotten back from her latest mission. She cannot wait to keep a load off her mind.  She is still in shock that Romeo has gotten lost.  She feels it is her fault a fault she mind add which she might never recover from fully.  She gulps.  Then, turns to the boss and ask,  "May I have a glass of water, please?"

      The boss nods his head,  "Yes, Wendy you may!  However, there is a immediate emergency here that seems to require your attention!"

     "Emergency what kind of emergency?"  Wendy says.  She thinks, I do hope no one is at the point of death.  The last thing is need is more stress to deal with today.  It is bad enough that Romeo seems to have gone missing a fact which I have to deal with at some point.

   "Take a look over there where Happy, Ezra, Natsu, and Melinda are right now, and you will see." The boss answers as kindly and softly as he possible can under the circumstances.

      Wendy approaches the table with the others and says,  "Well, now!  Who is going to tell me what this all about and..."  She gasps as soon as she sees Lucy's  pale face, the unconscious state of the strong girl she has come to be friends with over the years, and the marks on her arm.  She looks at the others in question.

      "She is greatly ill, so just do your thing, fast!"  Natsu says.

     "He is too upset to properly explain."  Ezra says.

     "Aye, Miss Lucy is really hurt and she needs your special technique."   Happy remarks.

     "Oh, let me see, I believe I have just the thing if only I knew what sort of creature did this to her.  I can clearly see it was an animal."  Wendy says.

     "It was a black widow spider!  One of the deadliest types of  arachnids  I might add.   The venom appears to spread fast and we are not sure what else we can do for her."  Melinda speaks up. 

        "Oh, my goodness!  You speak !   Wow!  Thanks, friend."  Wendy answers.  She gets to work immediately. She researches the arachnid that Melinda brought up, finds out all the details she needs, shakes her head in pity, and sets about to make the antidote.  She sure hopes it works, because if not, well lets just say she does not like to think of the results if the antidote should fail.

      "Wendy, oh thank goodness you are all right!" A  boy with jet black hair, who is shorter than Wendy says as he enters the guild. 

      "Romeo, I am glad you made it!  I was so upset when you got away from me.  Oh, I am so sorry."  Wendy blurts out

      "Uh, Wendy, Lucy!" Happy remarks.

      "Right, Lucy!  Oh, here you go, Happy you give her the antidote.  I know you will be gentle as you administer it to her.   You pour it inside the funnel as I hold her mouth open."  Wendy says.  She manages to carefully pry open Lucy's mouth with her fingers, adds the funnel,  and   breathes a sigh of relief that the funnel  holds Lucy's  mouth  open wide enough.

        "Ready?"  Wendy ask.

       "Yes!"  Happy says, clearly a nervous wreck.  The last thing he wants is to spill it and cause something to go wrong more than it has already.  He carries it over slowly to Lucy.  Now, he removes the cap, and slowly pours the funny looking liquid down the funnel that leads to Miss Lucy's  mouth.

    Melinda stands back to make sure she is not in the way,  Natsu, Ezra and Romeo does the same.  Everyone wonders, will it work or no?  The group continues to wait to see what happens next.  Who knows how long it will take for the antidote to take affect.

      Romeo looks on with widen eyes as the funny stuff enters into Lucy's system.  He hopes whatever it is manages to cure Lucy.  He hopes so for all their sake, but especially, for  Lucy's.  He cannot stand to see Natsu cry like this.  Why, the poor guy is all in hysterics now that the girl he loves is in harms way.

      Lucy's  skin starts to turn back to its usual color, her cheeks regain the light pink hue to them, her eyes open, the horrible sploshes on her arm disappears, and she coughs. She does this twice, then says,  "Wendy, you are back!  Wow, it is good to see you again, and you to Romeo!"

       "Hurrah, Miss Lucy!  You made it."  Happy exclaims.

      "Yes, what a relief, you gave us all quite a scare there, girl!"  Ezra remarks.

     "Luce, oh, Luce!  I am so glad you are alive!  I thought for awhile there you would leave us, or rather leave me.  Oh, Luce!"  Natsu says with happy tears in his eyes this time.  He hugs her close. 

       "Awe, this just makes me so happy to see that Lucy is okay!"  Melinda remarks.

      "Yes, me too!"  Happy says.

       "I for one am glad that Wendy was able to help her."  The boss says.

     "Yes, agreed,"  The group says as a whole this time.

       "Well, if that Doesn't  Beat All  I have ever seen, a  stray cat, no an ordinary cat that talks!  Wow, and just when I thought things could not get more interesting around here."  The boss says.  He chuckles a bit as he thinks, Melinda turns out to be a great asset to the team indeed.  She will do nicely for the next mission.   I will save it for a later time, so Lucy can have a chance to recover fully!  

       "Haha, indeed!"  Everyone agrees

      "Yeah, yeah, very funny, guys!" Melinda says.  She rolls her eyes in annoyance that they think it funny to hear her talk.  Just when you think ,you know people and they give you trouble over the craziest things ever.

         to be continued in Chapter  14   The Bright Yellow Light?  

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now