Chapter 8 Allison Breaks Down?

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             In the real world,  America, Charlotte, NC,  Allison Chesterfield has a nervous break down. She can not stand it.  Her beloved cat is no where in town.  For that matter she  is  not  even in the next town.  She ought to know since she just went there to search for her.  What is she to do now?   What happens if her cat never comes back home?   She supposes maybe she could buy a new  pet, but what a goldfish, hamster, or what?

           The police can not seem to find a trace  of Melinda.  They finally give up their search since it seems like a complete waste of time. They decide to focus on something else instead.  They feel sorry for her, but there is really nothing more they can do. They look to see if they can locate the kidnappers of a small child.  At the time ,this takes  top  priority over  even a  lost or missing animal.

             Allison decides to go see a  doctor.  She figures she could use some advice.  Who knows maybe they can help her find a way to adjust to life without a pet.  If not then there is bound to at least be something they can do too help her relax.  She grabs her purse, her car keys and heads out the door.  She locks the door, climbs into her car and drives straight across town to see Doctor Jessie J.  Lockster.

           Meanwhile, in Mangolia, "the place of Fairy  Tail" , Melinda continues to travel with Happy, Natsu, Lucy and Ezra on their most recent mission.  The group arrives to their destination soon.  They breath a sigh of relief.   Well, at least it was not as hard to locate as they originally thought it would be.  

         Ezra turns to Happy and says,  " Lucy and Natsu stick together, I will be on my own and as for you, Happy you will keep Melinda with you since you insist she continue on with us."  

       "Yes, Miss Ezra."  Happy says.  Melinda meows as usual. She is glad that at her new friend intends to keep her close by his side.  Maybe this way, she will not have to put with the strange girl with red hair and a attitude to boot.   She does not like his Ezra person one bit.

        Everyone goes inside the place.  Upon entrance they see a long hallway with a bunch of statues inside it.  As they turn the corner, Lucy sees a man with a funny beard who stares at her.  This makes her feel uncomfortable she has never even met him. They continue on past him and find themselves in  a room full of China dishes!   

       "Uh, Natsu is this really the right place?"  Lucy ask.

      "Yeah, is it?"  Happy remarks.

      Melinda is quiet since she is afraid, very afraid. It is her first time in some strange place that is not the least bit familiar with at all.  It is awkward enough for her being in Happy's  world.  This is what she thinks to herself. 

      "Ugh, Natsu Dragneel  this can not be right.  This does not look anything like the description on the map."  Ezra remarks.

     "What?  Are you sure about that Miss Ezra Scarlet?"  Natsu responds with a cheesy grin across his face.

      "Natsu that ridiculous smirk might work with most, but it will not work with me. Now, tell me!  Where are we?"  Ezra remarks. She appears to be angry as she possibly be which is enough to make the others back away from her.

       "Let me see that map!"  Natsu looks at the map.  He burst out with laughter, then returns it too her.

       "Well, you better have an explanation for all this!"  Ezra says with her hands on her hips.

       "You have the map upside down!  See  you  need to hold it this way!"  Natsu remarks.

           Ezra holds it the way Natsu instructs her too and grimaces.  "Ah, I see it now! Good grief, we still have to go through a few tunnels  before we get the rest of the way there."  Ezra says.

          "Tunnels, you mean in the dark?"  Happy states.

          "Yes, I mean in the dark!  Is there a problem?"  Ezra smirks.

          "No, everything is just fine."  Happy says.  He does not want to admit to anyone that he has a fear of  the dark, but especially not to Ezra Scarlet of all people.  He would never hear the end of it if she ever found out.

             "Well, then lead the way!"  Lucy says.

              "Okay, folks right this way!"  Ezra says. She turns right, then another right.

                 The others, follow close behind her.  Sure enough there is tunnel right ahead!  Natsu goes in first with Lucy beside him, then Ezra, and not long far behind is Happy and Melinda.   The five friends or four friends, and a real feline walk at a slow pace now.  They see no need to rush since it is hard to see much since it is so full of darkness down this path.  

           Natsu reaches into his sack and pulls out a flashlight. He turns it on and holds onto it with one hand. The other he reaches out to hold onto Lucy's.  

         Ezra gets her flashlight out as well.  Happy groans since he is the only one who forget his back at the guild.  Oh, dear now what is he to do?  

        Lucy  lets go of Natsu's hand, pulls out her flashlight turns it on and hands it to Happy.  "Here, Happy take mine!  I can just keep close to Natsu!" Lucy tells him.

        "Are you sure Miss Lucy?  What if you and Natsu accidentally end up apart for a bit?  Then how would you find him?"  Happy ask.

       "Goodness, I have a spare flashlight in my pack. So stop the worries and just try to keep up will ya?" Lucy remarks.

      Ezra laughs, she thinks it to be quite funny that Lucy just told Happy off like this.  Who would have thought that sweet, and loyal Lucy could be that harsh?   

     Natsu chuckles under his breath a little.  Melinda looks at Lucy in confusion.  Happy just pouts, but says  "Sure, okay!"  He takes the item she offers without another word about it.

       Everyone keeps on through the tunnel. They reach the other side about an hour later.  It leads to the entrance of the next tunnel.  They climb into it.   They have no idea how long it will take to get to the end of this one.   However, they figure the journey is worth it as every step leads them closer and closer to the end.

      Three hours later, they find the way out.  They breathe a sigh of relief there is no more tunnels now.  Two was enough to deal with as it is anyway.  They are all worn out and could use a bit to eat to regain their strength.  

      Ezra sees a stand full of pretzels. She grabs up a few and passes them out to the others. 

         Everyone eats, soon finish, and with their bodies full once more  look around closely.  The friends, Ezra, Happy and Melinda, Lucy and Natsu take a closer look around them and see a white door.  

         None of them has any ideas what awaits them on the other side!  

            to be continued in Chapter 9  The White Door?

Happy Falls in Love with  a Real Cat A Fairy Tail fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now