Kick You Down

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What's this I'm hearing?

An excretion of unjust noise?

Are you trying to

Bring down the love of my boys?

Because it's not going to happen.

No matter how much you defame

Me, I can always fall back on my

Good looks, my charm, and then my name.

I'm going to kick you down, until

Your face falls off and your shoulder

Dislodges, until people stop caring

When the burning buzz gets colder.

No one even loves you, not like

They love me. You're a nothing,

A figureless wretch, too modestly

Clothed. And if there's anything

You do win, it won't amount to much.

Restitution might sell away your frown,

But soon the news will fade away to

The place where I've kicked your holy lives down.

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