An Open Letter to a Certain Ninja

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A few votes, a few comments,

And especially a lot of reads

Is all you get to be up at the top,

Popularity is all that you need.

I looked at your piece of work,

Just sitting right next to mine,

So I thought why not, read it,

And it turned out to be pretty fine.

I voted, I commented, and I left it

At that. I wasn't expecting how high

On the charts you would go, or that

Your work is on them at the same time.

Perhaps I should be jealous, maybe

Even bitter. You've done what I've

Always wanted to do, and better yet,

You've done it when you are alive.

But instead I feel thankful, happy for

You. I've made a difference in your life,

Encouraging you to do what you do,

A hobby that makes your future bright.

So if you can believe this, I wish thee well.

This slowly dimming flame that we call success

Is not for eternity, but with what little time we

Have, I know you can be one of the best.

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